
Men and women have very different reactions when they look at art. Researchers say that women appreciate art far more. Men on the other hand, focus more on the artist’s background and authenticity.

Researchers made 518 people look at two unfamiliar paintings with made-up biographies of the artist. Some participants read a bio that characterized the artist as authentic(真实的)– in other words, a lifelong painter who creates unique work. Others read a bio that characterized the artist as an ordinary painter who took up the craft only recently. When the artist was characterized as authentic, participants had a much more favorable impression of both the artist and the artwork.  Participants indicated they were more willing to buy that artist’s painting and to pay a higher price for it.

Men were much more likely to use the artist’s brand as a deciding factor when evaluating(评价)art. Women also took the artist’s authenticity into account, but a bigger factor for them was the artwork itself. “Women are more willing to go through a complicated process of actually evaluating the artwork,” the study said, “whereas men may say, ‘This guy is a great artist, so I’ll buy his art’.”

While the art market has grown steadily for the past 10 years, there’s a lack of research on how consumers are actually determining the worth of artwork. Knowing that the artists brand plays a major role in consumers’ evaluation may help art dealers better set their prices. 

The findings can also help consumers make decisions on which art they buy. “For the average person trying to purchase art, knowing something about the artist – and knowing that the artist is authentic – can reduce the risk of buying a worthless piece,” the study said.

The findings likely extend to other product industries in which a creator is highly involved and visible. These include the clothing, shoe, jewelry and restaurant and food industries. “While designers and chefs operate in the background, communicating their passion and commitment(承诺)to their craft could significantly benefit that brand’s image and sales,” the study says.



1.What were the biographies used for?

A Men based on the biographies to decide if the artist’s work was worth buying.

B Women read the biography in order to better admire the artist’s work.

C Researchers used the biographies to prove previous findings.

D Business people used the biographies to increase the sales of art works.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。结合文章二、三段可知,男人更容易把艺术家的传记资料当作购买其作品的参考物。这些资料能够证实其真实性,是他们决定购买其作品的决定性因素。

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A Authenticity has great effect on brand’s image and sales.

B Women are better at evaluating artworks than men.

C Men buy more famous artworks than women.

D Dealers set the prices of artworks based on consumers’ views.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章第第二段和最后一段判断,艺术家、商家创作或生产的透明度,其实是其真实性的体现,增加了可信度,使得更多的消费者认同和购买。

3.What can help us reduce the risk of buying a worthless artwork?

A Having the belief in the artist’s biography.

B Having a favorable impression of the artwork.

C Going through the process of evaluating the artwork.

D Having some knowledge about the artist who is reliable.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第五段… knowing that the artist is authentic – can reduce the risk of buying a worthless piece可知,对艺术家了解得多一些,对其真实性更熟悉,有助于降低消费者购买没有价值的艺术品的风险。

4.Why is it important for the designers and chefs to be visible?

A Customers can see the process of production and believe in their honesty.

B The background and authenticity benefit the brand’s image and sales.

C Customers will be moved when feeling their passion and dedication.

D Customers will have no doubt about the prices of the products.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段可知,一些产业利用了人们注重真实性的心理,让产品加工进入公众的视野,这不仅有利于塑造品牌形象,而且增加了销售量。

5.What can be the best title of the passage?

A Reading Biography Makes Men Believe Value of the Artwork.

B Authenticity Is Most Important to All Businesses.

C Men and Women Judge Artworks Differently.

D Importance of Biographies in Sales of Artworks.

解析:选C。C 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了不同性别欣赏艺术作品的不同侧重点,以及这一研究发现对于服务业的启发。