


STOCKHOLM (AP) — Patrick Modiano of France, who has made a lifelong study of the Nazi’s rule and its effects on his country, won the 2014 Nobel Prize in literature on Thursday. The Swedish Academy gave the 8 million-kronor ($1.1 million) prize to Modiano for making people remember “the most ungraspable human destinies” and uncovering the world of life behind the Nazi’s control.

Modiano, 69, whose novel “Missing Person” won the prestigious Prix Goncourt in 1978, was born in a west Paris suburb in July 1945, two months after World War II ended in Europe. His father was of Jewish-Italian origins and met his Belgian actress mother during the occupation of Paris.

Modiano, who lives in Paris, rarely accepts interviews. He has published more than 40 works in French, some of which have been translated into English, including “Ring of Roads: A Novel,” “Villa Triste,” “A Trace of Malice,” and “Honeymoon.” He has also written children’s books and film scripts, including co-writing the 1974 movie “Lacombe, Lucien” with director Louis Malle and the 2003 movie “Bon Voyage” with director Jean-Paul Rappeneau.

Dervila Cooke of Dublin City University, author of a book on Modiano, said his works dealt with the traumas of France’s past but have a “darkly humorous touch.”

Peter Englund, the permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy said Modiano’s works often explore the themes of time, memory and identity. “He is returning to the same topics again and again simply because these topics, you can’t exhaust them,” Englund told journalists in Stockholm. “You can’t give a definite answer to: Why did I turn into the person I am today? What happened to me? How will I break out of the weight of time? How can I reach back into past times?”

Englund said Modiano also likes to play with the detective style. In “Missing Person” he wrote about a private detective who is about to launch his last investigation — finding out who he is because he has completely lost his memory.




1.What was it that led Patrick Modiano to win the Nobel Prize for Literature?

A He wrote about human destinies that were most hard to understand.

B He exposed the world of life behind the Nazi’s control.

C He often returned to the themes of time, memory and identity.

D He used the detective style to explore the life of characters in his novel.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段give the prize…for…uncovering the world of life behind the Nazi’s control可知,莫迪亚诺在作品中揭露了二战时期纳粹统治下的世界成为其获得诺贝尔文学奖的主要原因。

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A The experience through World II left Patrick Modiano deep impresson.

B Many people have forgotten the sufferings the war brought to them.

C People suffered a great deal during Nazi’s occupation.

D “Missing Person”had already brought fame to Patrick Modiano.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据文章第二段…won the prestigious Prix Goncourt in 1978可知,莫迪亚诺早在1978年就获得了著名的龚固奖,由此判断,他其实早已是知名作家了。

3.What has Patrick Modiano written in his life?

A Novels, children’s books and film scripts.

B Novels, detective stories and children’s books.

C Children’s books, detective stories and film scripts.

D Film scripts, novels and detective stories.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章二三段可知,莫迪亚诺主要从事小说、儿童文学和电影剧本的创作,故选A。

4.Why does Patrick Modiano come back to the topics again and again?

A Readers like to read stories of the same topics.

B Stories of the same topics take place every day.

C These topics can never be discussed thoroughly.

D There are no definite answers to these topics.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第五段…because these topics, you can’t exhaust them可知,这些主题非常深奥,没有确定答案,再怎么探讨也不会让人觉得乏味。这也是为什么这样的主题长盛不衰的原因吧。