

        A customer wanted to buy a sandwich and a soft drink for a homeless man, but a worker of Coffee Costa stopped it.
Adrian Pinsent attempted to buy food for the homeless man, but was barred by a staff at the second largest coffeehouse chain worldwide. The worker said they would be “prosecuted” if they sold him the snack because it went against the company “policy”.
Mr Pinsent says the response to his simple act of kindness is “unbelievable”. A spokeswoman for Costa said, "We do not have a policy that restricts customers buying food for anyone who is homeless.We believe the store was given misinformation, which has now been corrected.”

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1.What did the customer want to buy for a homeless man?

A A hot dog.

B A bottle of coco cola.

C A sandwich and a soft drink.

D A hamburger and a soft drink.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段A customer wanted to buy a sandwich and a soft drink for a homeless man, but a worker of Coffee Costa stopped it.可知顾客想在咖世家咖啡店帮一位无家可归的人购买一份三明治和一杯软饮料,故选C。

2.Coffee Costa is the __ largest coffeehouse chain worldwide.

A first

B second

C third

D fourth

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句Adrian Pinsent attempted to buy food for the homeless man, but was barred by a staff at the second largest coffeehouse chain worldwide.可知咖世家咖啡是全球第二大咖啡连锁店,故选B。

3.What’s the meaning of “prosecuted”?

A 起诉

B 称赞

C 夸奖

D 奖励

解析:选A。词义猜测题。根据第二段第二句The worker said they would be “prosecuted” if they sold him the snack because it went against the company “policy”.可知那位员工说:“如果他们把东西卖给这个人,就会被‘起诉’,因为这违反公司‘政策’”,故选A。

4.What did Mr Pinsent feel when he was barred by a staff?

A Happy.

B Angry.

C Disappointed.

D Unbelievable.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第三段第一句Mr Pinsent says the response to his simple act of kindness is “unbelievable”.可知平森先生说,他的这个小善举得到的回应真是“难以置信”,故选D。

5.What can we know from the Paragraph 3?

A Costa Coffee has such a policy.

B The store was given correct information.

C Customers like buying food for homeless men.

D Costa Coffee didn’t restrict customers buying food for anyone.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第三段第二句We do not have a policy that restricts customers buying food for anyone who is homeless.可知咖世家并没有相关政策来限制顾客给流浪者购买食物,故选D。