
It was a windy, snowy day in December. I was a young Dad who had saved just enough cash to buy my children a few presents for Christmas. As I walked to the store, I saw the Salvation Army kettle with a man ringing a bell standing beside it. Next to him was his daughter, a little girl no more than three feet tall. I took a dollar bill out of my wallet and dropped it into the kettle. As the man was thanking me, though, I felt a pressure on my legs. I looked down and saw that the little girl was giving me her own thank-you hug. I smiled down at her, bent down and hugged her back. Then I went inside feeling a warmth that no winter wind could ever take away.
Thinking back on that moment reminded me that no good deed ever goes without paying off. We may not always get a heart-felt hug immediately but in time every act of giving, goodness and love that we make flows from heart to heart and soul to soul, around the world and back to us again.
______ Every good deed brings a little bit of Heaven here to Earth. Don’t let this sometimes world get you down then. Don’t let the problems and pains of life pull you from your purpose. Share your love today! Give from your heart. Fill your life with acts of kindness. Let God’s light shine through everything you say and everything you do. 

本时文内容由奇速英语国际教育研究院原创编写,未经书面授权,禁止复制和任何商业用途,版权所有,侵权必究!(投稿及合作联系:028-84400718  QQ:757722345)

1.How is the writer’s financial situation?

A He is rich enough to buy anything.

B He is too poor to buy some food.

C He can only feed his family.

D He has a lot of money.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第一段I was a young Dad who had saved just enough cash to buy my children a few presents for Christmas.可知作者是一个年轻的爸爸,买圣诞礼物都需要存钱,因此经济状况也并不好,仅处于能够养家糊口的地步,故选C。

2.The Salvation Army kettle probably means_______ .

A they are short of money

B they are giving a show

C they are selling this kind of kettle

D they want some Christmas gifts

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第一段I took a dollar bill out of my wallet and dropped it into the kettle. 可知作者看到the Salvation Army kettle(救世军水桶)之后就给他们钱,由此可知the Salvation Army kettle是一种缺钱需要别人帮助的象征,故选A。

3.What gives the writer the warmth?

A The winter wind.

B His good deed.

C The man’s thanks.

D The little girl’s hug.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段I looked down and saw that the little girl was giving me her own thank-you hug...Then I went inside feeling a warmth that no winter wind could ever take away.可知是小女孩的拥抱让作者感到温暖,故选D。

4.Which of the following could be put in the blank?

A Do good deed please.

B No good deed is ever wasted.

C Good deeds bring happiness.

D God shines over good life.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第三段第二句Every good deed brings a little bit of Heaven here to Earth. 可知这一段主要是讲行善终有回报,且这里的报有可能是一种微笑、一个拥抱等让人暖心的行为,而不是具有实质意义的“好人好报”,故B项善行从不会被浪费符合题意,故选B。

5.Which part of a magazine could you read this passage?

A Daily Story.

B Travel Guide.

C Festival Celebrating.

D School Life.
