

Few days ago, a bookstore in Chongqing sold books by kilogram. The prize of some books were only 11 yuan for one kilogram. Why were the books so cheap? The owner of the bookstore told us the reason. Many readers read the e-books online and fewer and fewer readers would like to buy a paper book. 

Paper books and e-books, which one do you like? 

Some people are fans of e-books. Firstly, e-book is more convenient than paper-book. Nowadays, almost all people have phones or computers, so they can just download e-books immediately. Wherever they go, they don’t have to take a heavy paper book but just have a phone can reading. Secondly, e-book is much cheaper than paper book. If they need to buy paper books, they have to pay a lot of money on them. However,they can search e-books on the Internet and just need to pay little or even get e-books we want for free. 

While others still like reading the paper books. They love the feeling and smelling of the paper when they turn the page. They don’t mind the numbers and prices of the books.They enjoy the sense of satisfaction when they see the books they have already read. The e-books will never bring them such kind of feeling.


1.How much do you need to pay if you buy three kilograms of book in the bookstore in Chongqing according to the passage?

A 11 yuan

B 22 yuan.

C 33 yuan.

D Don’t know.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。从第1段可知,该书店每公斤书仅卖11元,故三公斤书卖33元,故选C。

2.Why did the owner of the bookstore sell it’s book by kilogram?

A Because readers preferred reading e-books to reading paper books.

B Because readers preferred reading paper books to reading e-books.

C Because no readers would like to pay money for reading.

D Because people don’t like reading.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。从第1段可知,该书店廉价卖书是因为更多人宁愿上网阅读而不愿买纸质书,prefer A to B意为“喜欢A多过B”,故选A。

3.Fans of e-books give us ______ reasons of why they like reading e-books.

A one

B two

C three

D four

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。从第3段可知,文章共给出了两点理由解释为什么人们喜欢上网阅读,答题关键词是文中的firstly, 和 secondly,故选B。

4.For the readers who like reading paper books, _______.

A they like the smelling of the paper

B they don’t care the prices of the books

C paper books can bring them a sense of satisfaction

D all of the above.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。从最后一段可知,选项A、B、C均是读者喜欢阅读纸质书的原因,故选D。

5.Which is the best title of the passage?

A Reading More Paper Books

B Reading More E-books

C Paper Books or E-books

D Reading is Important

解析:选C。C 主旨大意题。文章开头用重庆一书店论斤卖书的案例展开讨论,讨论的主题是电子书和纸质书哪个更受欢迎,故C选项是文章最佳标题。