

Some children are given a weekly or monthly allowance, while others must find their own ways to earn pocket money. Experts say it’s best to help children learn the value of money, savings and work while they are young. Now, some people are sharing their experiences about making money as children.

Aneta from Poland

As a child I "managed" recyclable waste-paper, bottles that I collected from my family and neighbors. I could sell it, and have enough pocket money for my small needs. At about 12 years old, I was also allowed by my parents and neighbors to take some flowers from their gardens, and sell them. 

Liu Zhilong from China

I like to help mother buy something like soy, salt and so on because I could take the change as mine. My mother wouldn’t ask for the change back when I was a child. So my pocket money was that change. I’d save it to buy cake. So I was glad that I had pocket money to control myself when I left home for middle school.

Oliver from the UK

I lived the rural life in the UK. My brother and I had "chores" from which we earned pocket money. Chopping firewood, feeding the chickens, collecting eggs, cutting the grass, etc. I also bred rabbits for sale to the local butcher. When I was 10 I helped the local milk delivery man deliver bottles of milk for a few pennies a day. 


1.What does the underline word mean in Paragraph 1?

A Pocket money.

B School fee.

C Homework.

D Housework.

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题。本文旨在向读者介绍小孩赚取零用钱的方式与途径;而从划线单词后的while others must find their own ways to earn pocket money也可得到提示,allowance意为“零用钱”,故选A。

2.Experts in Paragraph 1 suggest that ____.

A It’s better for children to be given enough pocket money by parents.

B It’s better for children to earn their own pocket money.

C Earning money is not good for children’s study.

D Earning money it too hard for children.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。从第1段Experts say it’s best to help children learn the value of money, savings and work while they are young可知,专家们是赞成孩子从小用劳动换取零用钱这一做法,故选B。

3.How did Aneta earn pocket money at the age of 12?

A She collected recyclable waste.

B She took and sold some flowers.

C She helped do some housework.

D She delivered milk.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。从第2段At about 12 years old,I was also allowed by my parents and neighbors to take some flowers from their gardens, and sell them可知,故选B。

4.Why did Liu Zhilong like helping his mother buy things?

A Because he could buy some snacks for himself.

B Because he could go out and have fun for a while.

C Because he didn’t need to do his homework.

D Because he could keep the change as his pocket money.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。从第3段可知,刘志龙喜欢帮妈妈买东西是因为妈妈会将找回来的零钱给他作零用钱,故选D。

5.Where did Oliver live when he was a child?

A In downtown in the UK.

B In downtown in China.

C In the rural area in the UK.

D In the rural area in China.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。从最后一段I lived the rural life in the UK可知,故选C。