

The decades-old mystery of what caused a killer fog that claimed the lives of thousands of people here appears to have been solved by a team of international scientists. The Great Smog, which blanketed the British capital for five days in December 1952, is said to have killed more than 12,000 people and sent 150,000 in hospital. Thousands of animals also died. 
On Dec. 5 that year, sulphur particles mixed with smoke from burning coal and made the yellow fog smell like rotten eggs. Some Londoners reported being unable to see their feet, and transportation was canceled with the exception of the London Underground. Birds flew into buildings, and robberies increased as thieves were able to make an easy getaway.
The smog eventually lifted on Dec. 9, after cold winds swept the smoke out to the North Sea. The incident eventually led to the Clean Air Act of 1956, restricting the burning of coal in London.
A team of scientists now believe they have solved the mystery of the exact cause and nature of the fog, through lab experiments and measuring the atmosphere in China, which is home to 16 of the 20 most polluted cities in the world. “People have known that sulfate was a big contributor to the fog, and sulfuric acid particles were formed from sulfur dioxide released by coal burning for residential use and power plants,” lead author Renyi Zhang, a scientist at Texas A&M University, said in a statement. “But how sulfur dioxide was turned into sulfuric acid was unclear.” The study said that similar conditions often occur in China. He said sulfur dioxide is mainly sent out by power plants in China, while nitrogen dioxide comes from power plants and vehicles.

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1.Why did robberies increase during the Great Smog?

A About 12,000 people were killed.

B Thousands of animals also died.

C All transportation was canceled.

D The thieves were easy to escape.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句的and robberies increased as thieves were able to make an easy getaway可以得知小偷很容易逃跑,这是偷盗现象增多的原因。故选D。

2.What measures did people in London take to stop the heavy smoke?

A They brought more cold winds.

B They asked people not to use coal.

C They stopped eating rotten eggs.

D They abandoned the Clean Air Act.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句的restricting the burning of coal in London可以得知他们通过了法案来限制煤炭的使用,故B项是正确的。

3.How did Renyi Zhang know the exact cause of haze in China?

A By testing air from China in the lab.

B By showing sulfur dioxide becoming sulfuric acid.

C By finding more sulfuric acid particles.

D By travelling to all of the 20 most polluted cities.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第四段第一句的they have solved the mystery of the exact cause and nature of the fog, through lab experiments and measuring the atmosphere in China可以得知是通过在实验室研究来自中国的空气,他才得知造成中国雾霾的原因。故选A。

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A Lessons from the mystery of London fog.

B The exact cause and nature of the fog.

C The terrible results of the London fog.

D The nitrogen dioxide from power.
