

When Sarah Hansen first came to Bonnie Schlachte’s ballet studio, she jokingly called herself a “weeble-wobble”, telling her ballet teacher that when she tried to walk, she would fall. “She couldn’t walk across the room without holding on to something,” recalled Schlachte, “She would immediately fall.”

Hansen was only in middle school, but a progressive neurological disease was reducing her ability to walk, let alone do ballet. But Hansen had a strong spirit and desperately wanted to learn ballet. Hansen joined in weekly group classes at Schlachte’s ballet studio called Ballet for All Kids, a studio that teaches children with disabilities. Soon after she began classes and private lessons, her family saw a vast improvement in her ability to move.
She worked tirelessly in the studio, focusing on what her instructor wanted from her. “At the time, her foot wouldn’t fully rest on the floor,” explains Schlachte. “That’s why she couldn’t stand on her own, there was no support.” Schlachte pushed her student, explaining to Hansen that her “brain has neuroplasticity, so eventually it will receive the message”.
As a mom, holding a degree in psychology, Bonnie Schlachte was the perfect person to push Hansen to do her best. Schlachte put herself through college with dance and theater scholarships. After graduation, she came across an opportunity with children with disabilities. She fell in love and chose to focus on jobs in that field.

Years later, Schlachte found herself watching and celebrating Hansen, who at one point could barely walk, was now moving across the floor on her own two feet. “One day, her ankle dropped, and she put her whole foot on the ground,” says Schlachte. “I was crying, her mom was crying, it was a great moment.”

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1.Why did Sarah Hansen call herself a “weeble-wobble”?

A Because she met Bonnie Schlachte for the first time.

B Because she had great difficulty in walking properly.

C Because she could walk very fast carrying something.

D Because she would stop herself from falling quickly.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句的telling her ballet teacher that when she tried to walk, she would fall可以得知当她走路的时候就会摔倒,因此这是她称呼自己为weeble-wobble的原因。故选B。

2.What kind of person was Sarah Hansen?

A Determined and diligent.

B Energetic and confident.

C Happy and generous.

D Anxious and careful.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第二段第二句的But Hansen had a strong spirit and desperately wanted to learn ballet可以得知她是一个意志坚定的人;结合第三段第一句的She worked tirelessly in the studio, focusing on what her instructor wanted from her可以得知她是不知疲倦地训练,她是一个勤奋的人。故选A。

3.What did Schlachte do to help Hansen walk?

A She put Hansen’s food fully on the floor.

B She pushed Hansen in a wheelchair.

C She asked Hansen to control her brain.

D She paid for the fee of her instructor.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句的explaining to Hansen that her “brain has neuroplasticity(可塑性), so eventually it will receive the message”可以得知Schlachte给自己的学生解释大脑的可塑性,让她自己来控制自己的大脑。故选C。

4.What made Schlachte and Hansen’s mother cry?

A Hansen’s degree in psychology.

B Hansen’s opportunity with children.

C Hansen’s theater scholarships.

D Hansen’s improvement in walking.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第五段第一句的moving across the floor on her own two feet和第二句的she put her whole foot on the ground可以得知Hansen能够自己走路了,因此她在走路方面的进步让她的母亲和老师都高兴地哭了。故选D。