
Jackie Sue says she saw her granddaughter Sunshine dump out all of her piggy bank money on the floor and start counting it.
Minutes later she saw her begin to place the money in a small plastic bag which peaked Sue’s interest. “I asked her what she was doing with the bag of money,” Sue wrote in a Facebook post. “Her answer put me in tears—I am going to give it to my friend at school because she doesn't get milk for snack. Her mom doesn't have any milk money but I do.”
Two days later, Sue started a GoFundMe page to help her granddaughter raise milk money. “Sunshine would be happy that all of her friends in her Kindergarten class would have milk for snack every day with her,” Sue wrote on the fund raising page. According to CBS News, half of the 20 students in Sunshine's class do not get milk, which costs $0.9 for a carton. For every child who couldn’t afford to have milk during snack time, it would add up to $180 per month. So, when Sue began the GoFundMe, she set out to raise about $540 — enough so that every child in Sunshine’s class could have a carton of milk each day for the rest of the term.

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1.Sunshine dumped out her piggy bank money to _______.

A pay for her own snack milk

B pay for her friend’s snack milk

C count how much money she had

D share her money with her grandma

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句I am going to give it to my friend at school because she doesn't get milk for snack. Her mom doesn't have any milk money but I do.可推断Sunshine把存钱罐的钱拿出来是为了给她的同学支付牛奶钱,故选B。

2.The underlined word “peaked” means ______ in Chinese.

A 打消

B 强迫

C 丧失

D 激发


3.Sue cried because _______.

A she was moved by her granddaughter’s kindness

B she was sad that her granddaughter’s classmates were so poor

C she was sad that her granddaughter had so little money

D her granddaughter reminded her of her childhood


4.How long will it be for the rest of the term?

A 20 days.

B 90 days.

C 180 days.

D 540 days.

解析:选B。B 数字计算题。 根据第三段最后两句:一个月需要180美元,她打算募集540美元——那么这学期剩下的时间就够每个人有牛奶喝,由此可知这学期还剩下540÷180=3个月,即90天。故选B。

5.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A Sue raised about $540 to afford the milk for Sunshine’s class.

B Sue started the fund to raise money for Sunshine.

C Sue couldn’t afford the milk for Sunshine’s class.

D Sunshine is happy because she has a rich grandma.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据最后一段可知她筹集了大约540美元为孩子们买牛奶,故选A。