

 In the United States, a nation fatter than any other, running remains the most popular workout activity. That's according to a Fitbit analysis of fitness tracker user data. Here’s the cruel fact, though: Running miles at a time doesn’t shed fat as efficiently as other forms of exercise. In some ways, it doesn’t help much at all.
  As fitness author Lou Schuler explains in his book, The New Rules of Lifting For Women, relying on long-distance running to lose weight becomes a key problem. The human body, ever-resourceful, eventually adapts to the repetitive nature of running. That means the body burns fewer calories for the same amount of work. “If your goal is to be leaner, then greater endurance isn’t really to your benefit,” Schuler says.
     Dr. William Roberts, a former president of the American College of Sports Medicine, said, “But if I’m looking at a gym and looking at what I can get, it’s whatever I can use that moves and works the most muscle groups at the same time.” “That means adding strength training to any pure running routine, ”Roberts said, “the latter of which neglects upper body muscles.” “Losing weight requires about 40 to 60 minutes of activity most days of the week, ”he said. “If you can build strength and build muscle mass, you’re going to burn more calories,” Roberts said. That’s because strength training causes tiny tears in the muscles. Those require calories as they repair, meaning your body keeps working long after you leave the gym. 
     If you love running, fear not: Sprinting may work as well. A study from the University of Western Ontario asked one group of people to run at a slow, steady pace for 30 to 60 minutes, three times per week. Another group ran 30-second sprints, between four and six of them, three times each week — a way less time-intensive routine. The sprinters shed more than twice the body fat of the joggers after six weeks, while gaining some muscle mass. 

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1.What is the best title of the passage?

A Long distance running doesn’t help losing weight.

B United States is a nation fatter than any other.

C Running is becoming more and more popular.

D The efficiency means to burn out the calories.

解析:选A。主旨大意题。根据第一段第三句Running miles at a time doesn’t shed fat as efficiently as other forms of exercise和第四句的In some ways, it doesn’t help much at all可以得知长跑不能帮助减肥。故选A。

2.What conclusion did Schuler draw?

A Human body has the nature of running.

B Long running improves the endurance.

C No calories are burned in the running.

D Long running isn’t helpful at all.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句的If your goal is to be leaner, then greater endurance isn’t really to your benefit可以得知,如果你的目标是更苗条,那么耐力肯定不是你想要的,据此可以推知在长跑中能得到耐力。故选B。

3.Why does strength and muscle training burn more calories?

A Because it uses one muscle group at the same time.

B Because it has some effect even after the practice.

C Because strength training makes the muscles tiny.

D Because losing weight requires an hour of activity.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句Those require calories as they repair, meaning your body keeps working long after you leave the gym可以得知那些运动中的撕裂需要热量来修复,因此在运动之后还能消耗能量。故选B。

4.What is sprinting?

A Running fast in a short time.

B Jogging in the fast style.

C Gaining some muscle mass.

D Running at a steady pace.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据最后一段第三句的Another group ran 30-second sprints, between four and six of them, three times each week — a way less time-intensive routine. 可以得知sprinting是指在较短的时间内快速跑。故选A。