
You'll never believe exactly how much it costs to light the Eiffel Tower every day. The Paris skyline is famous for its, well, lack of skyline. Up until 2010, the city of lights had a ban on how tall a new building could be, limiting most new structures to below 37 meters, or about 11 stories. The rules have recently been relaxed, but the progress has been far from Dubai-like.
Without any high building obstacle, all people in Paris could get the chance to enjoy a wonderful view of the city, with the Eiffel Tower standing as the primary dominating point, pointing at the sky, shining during the day, giving off light in the evening.
But at what cost? The monument certainly keeps the meter(仪表) running fast; each year it costs £963,600, or about $1.12 million. All told, the tower has a total of 20,000 light bulbs lining the frame, and it takes about 22 million watts of electricity per day to run.
Lighting specialists website Festive Lights can be thanked for the detailed breakdown—but they didn't stop there. If you're curious about the costs to power the Las Vegas Strip of Times Square for example, they have all the numbers ever needed on those major monuments, and more.

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1.What is Paris’ skyline famous for?

A Its changeable skyline.

B Its designed skyline.

C Its colorful skyline.

D Its lack of skyline.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句The Paris skyline is famous for its, well, lack of skyline. 可知巴黎天际线以其没有天际线而出名,故选D。

2.When could you buy a 20-storeyed apartment in Paris?

A In 1998.

B In 2000.

C In 2008.

D In 2015.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第一段第三句Up until 2010, the city of lights had a ban on how tall a new building could be, limiting most new structures to below 37 meters, or about 11 stories.可知2010年之前巴黎对于建筑的高度的限制都很严格,一般建筑都是不能高于37米(11层左右)的,公寓属于一般建筑,因此2010年前的公寓一般来说是不会超过11层的,要买20层楼高的公寓应该在2010年之后,故选D。

3.Why could all people have the chance to enjoy the view of the whole city?

A Because Eiffel Tower is high.

B Because there is almost no high building obstacle.

C Because Eiffel Tower stands in the center of Paris.

D Because Eiffel Tower is shining both in day and night.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段Without any high building obstacle, all people in Paris could get the chance to enjoy a wonderful view of the city, with the Eiffel Tower standing as the primary dominating point, pointing at the sky, shining during the day, giving off light in the evening.可知在巴黎的人都能欣赏到整个城市的景观主要是因为没有高建筑遮挡,故选B。

4.How much does it need to run the Eiffel tower’s bulbs for a day?

A £2640.

B £3068.

C £963,600.

D £1120000.

解析:选A。数字计算题。根据第三段第二句The monument certainly keeps the meter running fast; each year it costs £963,600, or about $1.12 million.可知埃菲尔铁塔的灯一年要烧掉963600英镑(1120000美元),即每天烧掉2640英镑(3068美元),故选A。

5.Where do the figures in this passage come from?

A From a survey report.

B From a textbook.

C From a website.

D From an energy book.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句Lighting specialists website Festive Lights can be thanked for the detailed breakdown—but they didn't stop there.可推断出本文的数据均来自这个网站,故选C。