

It is tracking your every move – recording the exact time you left for work, where you bought your coffee and where you like to shop. This isn’t a future spy drone – it’s the iPhone sitting in your pocket. 

Hidden in Apple phones is a function which records every journey. The iPhones are then able to analyze the data to work out where you live and work, basing decisions on the frequency and timing of trips.

Apple claims the data never leaves your phone without your permission, and that it was only designed to improve mapping services. But Professor Noel Sharkey, one of Britain’s leading computing experts, described Apple’s ability to track people as “terrifying”. “This is shocking,” he said. “Every place you go, where you shop, where you have a drink – it is all recorded. This is a divorce lawyer’s dream. But what horrifies me is that it is so secret.”

Smartphones have had the ability to track their owners’ movements since they were first installed with GPS chips and mapping functions. But this feature is the first to display the movements clearly on a map. The phone records the date of every one of your journeys, your time of arrival and departure and how many times you have been to each address.

Apple insists the data only leaves the phone if users give their permission by selecting the Improve Maps option in the phone’s privacy menu. But some people worry that the data could be seen by a snooping boss, a jealous wife, or even seized by police or the government. In an open letter this month, Apple chief executive Tim Cook said: “Our business model is very straightforward. We don’t make money from the information on your iPhone or in iCloud.”

But Professor Sharkey said: “Apple might promise not to use our location information for advertising. And many of our authorities might be quite kind-hearted at the moment. But if you put that information in someone else’s hands, then it becomes powerful, and in some cases, dangerous.”



1. How does an Apple phone find out where you live and work?

A By analyzing where you have coffee or go shopping.

B By tracking your every move with a spy drone.

C With the data of the frequency and timing of trips.

D Through the lawyer who follows you around.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段basing decisions on the frequency and timing of trips可知,苹果手机能够根据你外出的频率和时间判断你居住和工作的地点。

2.What does “a divorce lawyer’s dream” refer to by Professor Noel Sharkey?

A He collects the information of where you live and work.

B He is curious about how you spend your day.

C He spies your every move without letting you know.

D He collects your information and sells it to your wife.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第三段Apple’s ability to track people as ‘terrifying’与Every place you go, where you shop, where you have a drink – it is all recorded可知,苹果手机暗中记录你的行踪,如“离婚律师”跟踪取证的做法如出一辙。故选C。

3.What can be implied in the passage?

A People have been used to being tracked by the GPS function.

B Apple does better in mapping out users’ movements than other companies.

C The data can be very safe on an Apple phone unless you give it away.

D Customers are angry that they are not told the recording feature on their phone.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据文章第四段But this feature is the first to display the movements clearly on a map可知,苹果是第一个具备清楚展示人们路线图特色的手机,结合前文Smartphones have had the ability to track…判断,苹果手机无疑具备了最好的跟踪技术。

4.What was the promise made by Apple chief executive Tim Cook?

A They won’t make money from the information on people’s iPhone or in iCloud.

B The data won’t be seen by your boss, a jealous wife or held by the government.

C The Apple Company will help its customers keep their data safe on the phone.

D They won’t make advertisement with customers’ location information.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第五段We don’t make money from the information on your iPhone or in iCloud可知,苹果手机的高层向顾客承诺不会利用客户苹果手机上的私人信息赚钱。

5.What is the author’s attitude towards the recording function of iPhone?

A Puzzled.

B Disappointed.

C Scared.

D Worried.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。结合文章中出现的Hidden in Apple phones,terrifying,worry,dangerous用词判断,作者对于苹果手机的跟踪特色对于客户信息的安全性构成的威胁是感到担忧的。