

Many foreign experts from 25 countries received China's Friendship Award - the nation's highest honor for achievement(成就)by a foreigner - at the Great Hall of the People on Monday afternoon. The award winners include Bill Gaspard(design director of China Daily), Falk Hohn (professor of industrial art in Anhui province), Rakhymbekova Yahievna( from the Republic of Kazakhstan), Ruedi Nutzi(economist from Switzerland) and so on.

“I have worked here for five years and then got the Friendship Award, which is beyond my expectations. The nation's award will motivate me to further study and teach in China, because I feel valuable and cherished, and this can attract more global talent", said John Moore, a climate expert at Beijing Normal University from the UK. 

The national award shows that China attaches great importance to foreign experts working here, as they are people who can attract more foreign people to China to work and promote(促进)the country's development.

Foreign experts have made great contribution to Chinese economic and social development. They have worked in different fields and have great influence(影响)in China, and they have improve the communication between China and the rest of the world. 

Since 1991 when the awards were first given, 1,399 foreign experts have been honored. In most recent years, 50 foreign experts have been chosen for awards, but that number is increased to 100. 

To get the award, one must be a foreign expert who has made great contributions to China, such as helping the country solve key problems, starting good companies or other outstanding achievements in teaching and academic studies. 


1.How many Friendship Award winners have been mentioned in the passage?

A 3.

B 4

C 5

D 6

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。从第一、二段可知,文章共提及了5位被表彰的外国友人。故选C。此题,考生容易漏掉第二段的外国友人John Moore。

2.From Paragraph 2, we know that_____.

A John Moore is an economist.

B John Moore has worked in China for 10 years.

C John Moore didn’t think he can get the Friendship Award.

D John Moore will teach in another university in the UK.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。从第二段which is beyond my expectations可知,beyond expectations意为“意料之外”,与C选项表达相符,故选C。

3.When did China started to honor foreign experts with the Friendship Award?

A In 1991.

B In 2001.

C In 2011.

D In 2014.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。从第五段Since 1991 when the awards were first given...可知,故选A。

4.Who can get the Friendship Award?

A Someone has made great contributions to China.

B Excellent foreign experts.

C Experts in teaching and academic studies.

D Foreign experts who have made great contributions to China.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。从最后一段可知,获得“友好奖”需要具备两个条件,外国人和为中国发展做贡献,故选D。

5.Which is NOT correct about the Friendship Award?

A It is the highest honor for achievement by a foreigner in China.

B It shows that China attaches great importance to foreign experts around the world.

C It can attract more foreign experts to work in China.

D 1,399 foreign experts have been honored the award until now.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。从文章第三段The national award shows that China attaches great importance to foreign experts working here可知,“友好奖”体现中国对在中国工作并做出贡献的外国专家的高度重视,故B表述不准确,故选B。