在大爆炸中勇于救人,流浪汉Stephen Jones感动了全世界
在大爆炸中勇于救人,流浪汉Stephen Jones感动了全世界


West Ham boss David Sullivan has promised to find a flat for the homeless hero of the Manchester terror blast. David Sullivan and his son have offered to pay rent on a home for rough sleeper Stephen Jones, after being touched by his courage on the night of the attack at the Manchester Arena. Mr Jones received worldwide praise after he ran to help injured victims during the Ariana Grande concert and even pulled nails from children’s faces. 
Dave Sullivan said, “I have spoken to Steven today and he is not homeless, but currently staying in a hotel which we are paying for. Steve has been in a hotel for a little while and we wait for him to choose his accommodation. We will get an agreement in place by the end of the week, and I am going up to Manchester to visit him on July 1st.”
Salman Abedi killed 22 people and injured 119 when he began a nail bomb at the arena. Mr Jones, who had been sleeping nearby, recalled watching in horror as children covered in blood began pouring out of the arena. 
On May 22, the son of millionaire businessman David Sullivan tweeted, “Me and dad want to rent the homeless man in Manchester a house for 6 months. If anyone can help us get in touch, much much appreciated. Such a selfless act needs rewarding.”
Just a few hours later, the pair managed to track Mr Jones down with the help of a nearby homeless centre. David wrote: “WE HAVE FOUND STEVE! Shows the power for good social media has. Thank you to all those involved, you have helped change a man’s life.”
Mr Jones said, “I’m overwhelmed by the support and help, and that people have been setting up money for me. I’ve met the West Ham guy, he was in his Bentley in London. Next season when United play West Ham or City he’s going to have me as his guest of honour in his box or fly me down to London to watch it there.”

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1.Why was Stephen Jones praised?

A Because he helped the injured selflessly.

B Because he offered to rent on a home.

C Because he put nails on children’s faces.

D Because he liked singing in a concert.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句的Mr Jones received worldwide praise after he ran to help injured victims during the Ariana Grande concert可以得知他帮忙救助了爆炸中的受害者,因而受到人们的称赞。故选A。

2.What will Stephen Jones have to do now?

A He will pay for his hotel.

B He will go to Manchester soon.

C He will decide his flat.

D He will talk with the victims.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句的Steve has been in a hotel for a little while and we wait for him to choose his accommodation可以得知人们在等他选择自己想住的公寓,因此他现在要做的事情是选出自己的公寓。故选C。

3.Why did the son of David Sullivan tweet?

A Because he needed others to provide money.

B Because he wondered how to locate Jones.

C Because he wanted a good rewarding.

D Because he showed his own appreciation.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第四段第二句的If anyone can help us get in touch much much appreciated可以得知他说他感激那些能帮助联系上那个无家可归者的人,因此他发推特是想找到Jones。故选B。

4.What did Mr Jones think of the help offered to him?

A It’s incredible.

B It’s upset.

C It’s useless.

D It’s enjoyable.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第一句的I’m overwhelmed by the support and help, and that people have been setting up money for me可知他被那些帮助所感动和淹没,因此他觉得有些“不敢相信”。故选A。