
People feel that there exists a world called heaven where God and angels live. But a close observation of our surroundings might change this so called “view”.

There are many people who enter our life as angels in disguise. Their appearance itself adds beauty to our lives just like the rainbow which adds beauty to the dark sky after a storm. Beauty need not always be found in expensive gifts or surprises. Sometimes beauty can be as simple as a loving hand which holds us in times of trouble and gives us a sense of security and comfort. Beauty can be encouraging words of support, or sometimes beauty can be sensed just by a small smile, which is worth a thousand words.

They can be anyone, your family, friends or even your pet! Sometimes, when our whole world turns upside down, what we need is an encouraging hand to lift us back up and make us realize our true worth.

According to me, angels were never meant to be in heaven. God has made many angels right here on Earth. All we need to do is discover the beautiful angel within us and let it blossom! So the next time we see worry or tension in the eyes of the people around us, just give them an encouraging ear and some of your time. 

本时文内容由奇速英语国际教育研究院原创编写,未经书面授权,禁止复制和任何商业用途,版权所有,侵权必究!(投稿及合作联系:028-84400718  QQ:757722345)

1.Where do people usually believe the angels live?

A In the heaven.

B In our family.

C In our school.

D On the Earth.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句People feel that there exists a world called heaven where God and angels live.可知通常人们认为天使生活在天堂,故选A。

2.Which is not the beauty according to the passage?

A An expensive gift.

B A loving hand.

C Encouraging words.

D The dark sky.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知昂贵的礼物或惊喜,在我们遇到困难的时候握住我们的友爱的手,支持鼓励的话语和微笑等这些都是美,只有D项不是,故选D。

3.What does the underlined word “They” refer to?

A God.

B Angels.

C People in our life.

D People who laugh at you.


4.What does the underlined part mean in Para. 4?

A Angels don’t live in the heaven.

B Angels only live on Earth.

C We all could help others in need.

D There are angels within us.

解析:选C。C 句意理解题。根据该句后面的内容:我们要去发现我们内心美丽的天使,当我们看到担忧或者紧张的人时,我们可以花些时间听他们倾诉并鼓励他们,也就是说我们要去帮助遇到困难的人。故选C。

5.What is the best title of this passage?

A Angels bring us beauty.

B Everyone has an angel.

C Angels live on the Earth.

D Encourage people, and you’re an angel.

解析:选C。C 文章标题题。根据文章主旨段第一段可知本文主要是想讲述一种新的观点“天使在人间”,这和以往人们一般认为的天使在天堂相反,因此本文最恰当的标题应该是“天使在人间”,故选C。