I had a day off, so I went to Starbucks to get my wife a coffee and took it to her office. There was no space to park around the block where the cafe was. So I had to park next door and walked there. I got in line.
    A lady in a local business work uniform was in front of me. This line was very long. We got about 5 people from the front, and suddenly the lady realized she left her shopping list in the car. She got out of line to get it. She got back at the end of the line. I called her back up to where we were and took her place at the end of the line. I told her I had a day off and didn’t have to be anywhere. And I had figured her coworkers were biting steel and chewing leather waiting for their coffee. So I walked to the back of the line. It’s no big deal.
When I got to the lady at the machine to order my wife's coffee, I was told that the lady had left cash to cover my coffee. It was the one that I exchanged turn with.

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1.Why did the writer walk to the cafe?

A Because he wanted to lose weight.

B Because there were too many people in the line.

C Because it was not far from his wife’s company.

D Because there was no space to park near the cafe.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段第二、三句There was no space to park around the block where the cafe was. So I had to park next door and walked there.可知是因为咖啡店附近没有停车位了,所以只能在另外一个街区停车然后走过去,故选D。

2.Why did the woman get out of the line?

A She got out to lock her car.

B She didn’t want coffee any more.

C She got out to get the shopping list.

D She got out to get her wallet.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段第三、四句We got about 5 people from the front, and suddenly the lady realized she left her shopping list in the car. She got out of line to get it.可知女士从队伍中出来是为了去拿买咖啡的单子,故选C。

3.Which of the following phrases can replace the underlined word “cover”?

A Pay for.

B Find out.

C Take away.

D Give away.

解析:选A。词义猜测题。根据前面的left cash可知这里应该是留下钱,在咖啡店别人帮助过自己,自己留下钱应该是为对方买单,这里只有pay for有付款买单的意思,故选A。

4.What can we learn from this passage?

A Goodness returns.

B You can make money in a coffee shop.

C Coffee is free if you wait.

D There was a special lady in the coffee shop.
