

One day after a high tide lots of sea-stars were brought to the shore. They started drying up in the sun. A boy, walking down the shore started throwing the sea-stars into the sea, so that they could continue their lives.
A person came up to him and asked, “Why are you doing this? Look around! There are millions of sea-stars; the shore is covered with them. Your attempt won’t change anything!”
The boy picked up the following sea-star, thought for a moment, threw it into the sea and said, “No, my attempt will change a lot…for this sea-star. If there are many boys like me, many lives of  the sea-stars will be changed, and maybe the whole thing will be changed.”     

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1.Where did this story happen?

A In the sea.

B In a tide.

C On the shore.

D In the classroom.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句One day after a high tide lots of sea-stars were brought to the shore.可知故事发生在海滩上,故选C。

2.Why did the boy throw the sea-stars back into the sea?

A Because he wanted to save their lives.

B Because he wanted to help them dying up.

C Because he wanted to help clean the shore.

D Because he wanted to clear out a road.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段第三句A boy, walking down the shore started throwing the sea-stars into the sea, so that they could continue their lives.可知海星被扔回海里就可以继续活着,小男孩这样做是为了救这些海星的命,故选A。

3.What does the man mean?

A There are many beautiful sea-stars.

B The boy were harming the sea-stars.

C The boy can not save all these sea-stars.

D The boy shouldn’t throw the sea-stars back.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第二段男子说的话Why are you doing this? Look around! There are millions of sea-stars; the shore is covered with them. Your attempt won’t change anything!可知男子认为海星太多,小男孩能够救的有限,因此改变不了什么,他是认为小男孩不可能把所有海星都扔回海里挽救它们的生命,故选C。

4.What would the boy do after the talk?

A He would give up saving the sea-stars.

B He would ask more people for help.

C He would still throw sea-stars back.

D He would try to save all the sea-stars.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第三段男孩的回答No, my attempt will change a lot…for this sea-star. If there are many boys like me, many lives of the sea-stars will be changed, and maybe the whole thing will be changed.可知小男孩对男子的态度是不认可的,他认为他不能救所有海星的命,但是可以救其中一些,这些海星的命运会因此不同,由此推断他会继续把海星扔回海里,故选C。

5.What is the best title of this passage?

A You cannot save all sea-stars.

B It changes a lot for this sea-star.

C The wise man and stupid boy.

D The shore will be different if all people help.
