
Angela and Darren have two children. Their son, Kyle, is twenty years old and the daughter Rita, who is only six. 
One Friday afternoon, Kyle's parents both had to work late. They asked him to pick Rita up at school in the afternoon. Kyle said yes.
Around 3:00 in the afternoon, Kyle got a call on his cellphone from his best friend, Peter. He asked him to go to Jessica's mother’s country house. And they would leave in fifteen minutes.
The house was wonderful. Kyle and his friends always talked about going there. Kyle looked at his watch and thought about how much fun he could have with his friends in the country house. He knew the teacher at Rita's school would call his grandmother if he did not pick her up. He hesitated for a moment, wanting to go with his friends.
But he knew he couldn’t let his parents and sister down. He said thank-you to his friend for the invitation, but he had made a promise that he really must keep. Realizing he din’t have much time left, Kyle rushed to his sister’s school. 
He was five minutes late, and when he got there, he saw that Rita was very scared and was about to cry. She was the last student at the school, and the teacher was waiting with her. When she saw her big brother rushing to the gate of the school, Rita smiled. She ran to him and gave him a big hug. Kyle realized that he had done the right thing. He must always keep his word and be worthy of trust because his decisions influenced other people's lives. 

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1.Why did Kyle’s parents ask him to pick up Rita?

A They were on business.

B They would work late.

C Kyle’s grandparents were ill.

D Rita would be happy to see him.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句One Friday afternoon, Kyle's parents both had to work late.可知是因为父母要工作到很晚,所以才让Kyle去接妹妹,故选B。

2.Why did Peter call Kyle?

A He invited Kyle to go to Jessica’s mother’s country house.

B He asked Kyle to forget to pick up his little sister.

C He introduced Jessica’s mother’s wonderful country house.

D He reminded Kyle he had to pick up his little sister.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第三段第二句He asked him to go to Jessica's mother’s country house. 可知Peter打电话是邀请他去Jessica的妈妈的乡村别墅,故选A。

3.What would happen if Kyle didn’t go to pick up Rita?

A Kyle would be punished by his parents.

B The teacher would send Rita home.

C The teacher would call their parents.

D The teacher would call their grandparents.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第四段第三句He knew the teacher at Rita's school would call his grandmother if he did not pick her up. 可知如果Kyle不去接妹妹,老师将会给奶奶打电话,故选D。

4.What does the underlined word “hesitated” mean in Chinese?

A 思考.

B 努力.

C 犹豫.

D 克制.
