
A lion was lying on the ground in a forest, his large head resting on his paws(爪子). A little mouse came upon him accidentally, and in her fear she hurried to get away and ran across the lion’s nose. Waked up from his short sleep, the lion laid his huge paw angrily on the tiny mouse to kill her.

“Let me go, please!” begged the poor mouse. “Please let me go and some day I will surely repay you.” The lion laughed and never thought that a mouse could ever help him. But he was kind and finally let the mouse go.

Some days later, while looking for his food in the forest, the lion was caught in a trap(陷阱) that a hunter set. Unable to free himself, he filled the forest with his angry voice. The mouse knew the voice and quickly found the lion struggling in the net. Running to one of the great ropes(绳索) that tied him, she bit it until it was cut into two parts, and soon the lion was free.

“You laughed when I said I would repay you,” said the mouse. “Now you see that even a mouse can help a lion.”

    A kindness is never wasted.

本时文内容由奇速英语国际教育研究院原创编写,未经书面授权,禁止复制和任何商业用途,版权所有,侵权必究!(投稿及合作联系:028-84400718  QQ:757722345)

1.What was the lion doing when the mouse met him?

A He was laughing.

B He was thinking.

C He was hanging out.

D He was sleeping.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段Waked up from his short sleep可知当时狮子正在睡觉,故选D。

2.What does the underlined word “repay” mean in Chinese?

A 付款.

B 报答.

C 报复.

D 挽救.

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。根据后文老鼠帮助狮子可知是老鼠“报答”狮子,也可根据常识判断(别人帮助了自己,自己需要“报答”对方)。故选B。

3.Why did the lion let the mouse go?

A Because they were friends.

B Because he was a lion full of kindness.

C Because he liked the mouse.

D Because he knew the mouse would help him.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句But he was kind and finally let the mouse go.可知是因为狮子善良和大度,他才放了老鼠,他并不相信老鼠可以帮助自己,故选B。

4.How did the mouse find the lion in trouble?

A He heard the lion’s voice.

B He set the net with the hunter.

C He saw the lion go into the net.

D He followed the lion all the time.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第三段...his angry voice. The mouse knew the voice and quickly found the lion...可知老鼠是听到了狮子的吼叫声,从而找到狮子的,故选A。

5.What can we know from the passage?

A The mouse was small but cruel.

B The lion was strong and needed no help.

C The mouse saved the lion.

D The mouse wasn’t thankful to the lion.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句soon the lion was free和第四段a mouse can help a lion可知救了狮子,故选C。