

Thousands of patients are dying in hospital each year because of bad handwriting, mistakes in maths and poor monitoring by nursing, according to a study. The death rate at two hospitals fell by 15 per cent after nurses were given electronic devices in place of handwritten paper notes to record patients’ heart rates and breathing.

Researchers calculated that 750 deaths were prevented in a year at two hospitals surveyed. Across the National Health Service in the UK, this means 37,000 deaths could be avoided if nurses were given the devices rather than relying on traditional handwritten notes from nurses.

At present, nurses are meant to measure patients’ heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen levels and take certain other readings and note them down on a board at the end of the bed. Often these readings aren’t taken regularly enough and in some patients there are gaps of between eight and 12 hours between measures. In other cases, nurses’ handwriting is illegible or they don’t note down all the figures meaning it is not clear for their colleagues to check the development of patients.

To deal with the problem, hand-held devices were given to nurses in 2007. They were handed either iPhones or iPads – small computers – installed with an app that takes patients readings and reminds nurses when they are next needed. An alert flashes up on the screen if patients are deteriorating and in some cases they will urge nurses to call in a doctor.

Researchers compared the death rates for every year from 2004 – before the devices were used – to 2010. The annual death rates fell by 397 and 372 in 2010 compared to 2004.

Dr Paul Schmidt said: “Observing patients and making accurate records provides a safety net to guard against their deterioration. We believed traditional paper charts were not doing the job well enough so we designed an electronic system to support staff. This study shows its introduction was followed by a significant drop in deaths.”



1.What is discussed in the passage?

A Nurses make mistakes in taking patients’ heart rate and breathing.

B It was nurses’ carelessness that caused deaths of patients.

C Electronic writing system has taken the place of paper recording notes.

D Study finds that death rate fell with electronic devices introduced.

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。文章第一段为本文的主题段落,综合大意可知,本文的主要内容是:研究发现,引进电子记录仪之后,病患死亡率明显下降。

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A Nurses are busy measuring the patients in their work.

B Traditional handwriting notes might leave patients in danger.

C Iphones or ipads have been used in the UK to help protect patients.

D Nurses in the UK can’t write clearly and beautifully.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据文章第二段…deaths could be avoided if nurses were given the devices rather than relying on traditional handwritten notes…可以判断,传统的手写记录,由于存在诸多问题而使患者处于危险境地。

3.What does the underlined word in Paragraph Three most probably mean?

A Troublesome.

B Unclear.

C Incorrect.

D Confusing.

解析:选B。B 猜测词义题。根据文章第一段bad,第三段not clear,结合文章语境判断,illegible意为“难辨认的,模糊的”。

4.What was the use of the app installed in the hand-held device?

A It was used to monitor the development of the patients.

B It gave alert to remind the nurses to call in the doctor.

C It took patients’ readings and guarded against their deterioration.

D It was used to tell the nurses what reading to take next.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第四段…that takes patients readings …flashes up on the screen if patients are deteriorating可知,电子记录仪的功能在于准确记录患者体征数据,在病情恶化时报警,故选C。

5.What can be concluded from the passage?

A Clear and accurate readings can help keep patients safe.

B Paper charts will be removed from health care service.

C Modern technology can prevent deaths in hospitals.

D Electronic recording system can stop patients’ deterioration.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。文章最后一段评价了准确记录病人病情的重要意义—Observing patients and making accurate records provides a safety net to guard against their deterioration,由此得出结论:清晰准确地记录病人的病情能够确保病人安然无恙。