
A teenager named Xiong Xuan’ang recently gained public focus after he became the top gaokao scorer in Beijing. 
In an interview, he said that his achievement was largely the result of his parents’ instruction and Beijing’s educational resources. In his opinion, top scorers are more likely to be born into middle-class or upper-class families, because their parents are usually intellectuals(知识分子) and tend to be successful. Xiong said his parents are officers and that their influence formed his character. According to him, it is becoming harder and harder for students from lower or working class families to succeed.
There is no doubt that Xiong’s parents are successful. They have also educated a successful child. But in my opinion, it’s one’s ability for learning that creates a high achiever. Although the study environment is important, a more important factor should be the child’s ability to learn, understand, concentrate and insist(坚持). And some successful parents are more likely to dedicate themselves to their career rather than their family, leaving less time to instruct their children.
Only if a student tries his or her best and makes very few mistakes can he or she possibly becomes a top scorer, regardless of their parents’ success.  

本时文内容由奇速英语国际教育研究院原创编写,未经书面授权,禁止复制和任何商业用途,版权所有,侵权必究!(投稿及合作联系:028-84400718  QQ:757722345)

1.Who is Xiong Xuan’ang?

A A plain Beijing boy.

B A son from a middle-class family.

C The top gaokao scorer in Beijing.

D A successful Beijing businessman.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句A teenager named Xiong Xuan’ang recently gained public attention after he became the top gaokao scorer in Beijing.可知熊轩昂是北京高考状元,故选C。

2.What is the cause of Xiong’s success in his opinion?

A His parents’ instruction.

B Beijing’s educational resources.

C Beijing’s larger share of admission.

D Both A and B.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句In an interview, he said that his achievement was largely the result of his parents’ instruction and Beijing’s educational resources.可知他把自己的成功归功于父母的指导和北京的教育资源,包含A、B两项,故选D。

3.What is the most important factor for a person’s success according to the writer?

A Successful parents.

B The child’s ability.

C Clever parents.

D Educational resources.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段第三句But in my opinion, it’s one’s ability for learning that creates a high achiever.可知作者认为一个人是否成功、是否能够称为状元,关键在于自身的能力,故选B。

4.What does the underlined word “delicate” mean in Chinese?

A 远离.

B 热衷于.

C 投身于.

D 放弃.

解析:选C。词义猜测题。根据后面themselves to their career rather than their family, leaving less time to instruct their children.“……事业中而不是家庭,留下来指导孩子的时间很少”可知应该是投身于事业中,故选C。

5.What does the writer think of Xiong’s opinion?

A He cannot agree more with Xiong.

B He holds the same opinion with Xiong.

C He thinks Xiong is playing a joke.

D He doesn’t agree with Xiong.

解析:选D。观点态度题。根据第三段第三句But in my opinion, it’s one’s ability for learning that creates a high achiever. 和最后一段Only if a student tries his or her best and makes very few mistakes can they possibly become a top scorer, regardless of their parents’ success. 可知作者认为是否成功关键是自己,与父母的成功与否无关,由此可知作者不赞同熊轩昂的观点,故选D。