
Jianbing, a popular Chinese street snack, has lately taken New York City by storm.

Brian Goldberg, founder(创始人) of Mr Bing, and Reuben Shorser, co-founder of the Jianbing Company, both discovered jianbing while studying putonghua in Beijing. After returning to New York, they both started their own jianbing businesses.

Jianbing is so new to New Yorkers that the demand has been much larger than we have expected,” the director of operations at Mr Bing said. The company sells hundreds of jianbing every day. Sometimes people line up over half an hour for the food. The customers are mainly office workers and college students, mostly Chinese students.

To make jianbing the same as it tastes in China, Mr Bing invited Chinese jianbing makers to train the company’s workers in New York. In China, street sellers sell the snack for less than a dollar a piece. In New York, it can go for as much as $15. American customers have so far given good opinions about the Chinese traditional snack, and have shared pictures of it across social media.

A traditional jianbing starts with batter(面糊) put onto a round cast-iron(铸铁制的) pan to become a thin piece of pancake. After different sauces and ingredients(原料) are placed onto the thin pancake, it is folded up to be eaten like a sandwich.

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1.Why did Brian Goldberg and Reuben Shorser go to Beijing?

A To start their business.

B To travel around China.

C To learn putonghua.

D To discover jianbing.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段的“both discovered jianbing while studying putonghua in Beijing”可知布莱恩和鲁本是在北京学习普通话的时候知道煎饼的,他们到北京是为了学习普通话。故选C。

2.What do New Yorkers think of jianbing?

A They hate it.

B They like it.

C It tastes bad.

D It is expensive.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第三段描述的内容:纽约人对煎饼的需求比想象的更大、每天要卖好几百个煎饼、人们排队半个多小时买煎饼等,可以推断纽约人很喜欢煎饼。故选B。

3.Why were Chinese jianbing makers invited to New York?

A To teach workers to make jianbing.

B To make jianbing for the company.

C To sell jianbing to New Yorkers.

D To make money for the company.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“To make jianbing the same as it tastes in China, Mr Bing invited Chinese jianbing makers to train the company’s workers in New York.”可知请中国煎饼师傅去纽约是为了训练公司员工制作煎饼。故选A。

4.What are the right steps to make jianbing? ①folding up the pancake ②making a thin pancake with batter ③putting on sauces and ingredients

A ①②③

B ②③①

C ③②①

D ②①③

解析:选B。B 逻辑顺序题。根据最后一段内容可知,制作煎饼的步骤分别是:用面糊制作一张很薄的饼皮,然后往饼皮上加各种酱汁和配菜,然后把饼皮裹起来像吃三明治那样吃。故选B。

5.What is the main idea of this passage?

A Mr Bing opened in New York.

B Jianbing sold well around the world.

C Jianbing became popular in New York.

D The Chinese traditional food—jianbing.

解析:选C。C 文章标题题。根据文章第一段并结合全文内容和可知,煎饼在纽约盛行。故选C。