
Recently, the Pink Star has been sold in Hong Kong for more than 71 million dollars (57 million pounds), setting a new world record for any gemstone(宝石) at auction(拍卖). Now, let’s have a look at the previous records set in stone: 
May 2016: A large diamond known as the Oppenheimer Blue set a new auction record, reaching a price of 50.6 million dollars, the most expensive gemstone before the Pink Star. The 14.62-carat gem was sold after 20 minutes of phone bidding at Christie’s auction house in Geneva. The buyer's identity is unknown. 
November 2015: The Blue Moon, a 12.03-carat ring-mounted blue diamond, caught the eye of Hong Kong wealth man Joseph Lau, who paid a record 48.4 million dollars for the cushion-shaped stone. He bought it for his seven-year-old daughter, renaming it the “Blue Moon of Josephine” after her. 
May 2015: An unnamed buyer made history after purchasing the Sunrise Ruby, a 25.59-carat “pigeon blood” coloured gemstone, for 30 million dollars. At that price, it became the world's most expensive precious stone other than a diamond. 
November 2013: The Orange, the "largest vivid orange diamond in the world", according to Christie's, attracted the highest price paid per carat for any diamond at auction, selling for 35 million dollars, or 2.4 million dollars per carat. 
November 2010: The Graff Pink, a 24.78-carat “fancy intense pink” stone described as “one of the greatest diamonds ever discovered”, auctioned for 46.2 million dollars. At the time it was believed to be the most expensive gemstone bought at auction and was sold to the well-known British dealer Laurence Graff.  

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1.Which gemstone keeps the record as the most expensive before the Pink Star?

A The Oppenheimer Blue.

B The Blue Moon.

C The Sunrise Ruby.

D The Graff Pink.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一格内容A large diamond known as the Oppenheimer Blue set a new auction record, reaching a price of 50.6 million dollars, the most expensive gemstone before the Pink Star.可知在粉红之星之前奥本海默之蓝是最贵的宝石,故选A。

2.Who bought the Oppenheimer Blue?

A Joseph Lau.

B Josephine.

C Laurence Graff.

D It’s not known.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一格最后一句The buyer's identity is unknown. 可知买家是谁我们不清楚,故选D。

3.Which gem created the highest price paid per carat?

A The Oppenheimer Blue.

B The Blue Moon.

C The Sunrise Ruby.

D The Orange.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第五段内容attracted the highest price paid per carat for any diamond at auction, selling for 35 million dollars, or 2.4 million dollars per carat. 可知The Orange是克拉单价最高的宝石,故选D。

4.Which is the right order according to the weight of the gem? ①Oppenheimer Blue ②Blue Moon ③Sunrise Ruby ④The Orange ⑤Graff Pink

A ③⑤①④②

B ③⑤④①②

C ②④①⑤③

D ②④⑤①③

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据selling for 35 million dollars, or 2.4 million dollars per carat可知The Orange的重量为14.58克拉,又由全文可知其他宝石的重量,一次拍序为Sunrise Ruby, Graff Pink, The Orange, Oppenheimer Blue, Blue Moon, 故选B。