
Could shampoo be a thing of the past? Millions of us spend a lot of time and money on it, but is it necessary?

Shampoo sales have gone down a lot in the UK recently as more people are changing their hair-washing habits. A recent study by Nielsen, a consumer analyst company, said, “People are working at home, so they are using less shampoo less frequently than before.” The ecosalon.com website said shampooing regularly may be the reason why hair gets so greasy. Shampoo makes the skin of the head dry, so the head produces more oil, which you then shampoo again to remove. The site said, “By shampooing less often, your head skin naturally reduces its production of oil.”

However, many people say shampoo is good for the hair. Mark Coray, a former president of the National Hairdressers’ Federation in the UK, says there is no benefit to not washing your hair. He said, “Shampoo will not harm the head skin. The ingredients(成分) in shampoo help the hair to look so smooth. The oil may build up, so it starts to look like it is shiny, but it will not self-clean.” A hair loss clinic in London, the Belgravia Centre, said, “Washing your hair with clean water only is not going to be very effective after certain activities that make the head skin sweaty, such as exercising or using a sauna(桑拿浴).” It added, “Washing your hair with clean water only will also not remove bacteria(细菌) or clean the excess oil from your head skin if you have greasy hair.”

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1.Why did the writer begin this passage with two questions?

A To present the topic to readers.

B To have readers guess the answers.

C To help readers understand the passage better.

D To show readers his/her ability to ask questions.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。文章开篇提出两个问题:洗发水会成为过去式吗? 我们很多人花了很多时间和金钱在这上面,但是这是必要的吗?  接下来两段分别阐述了两种关于用洗发水的对立观点。由此推断,文章开头的两个问题主要是为了引出文章话题。故选A。

2.Why is less shampoo being sold in the UK?

A People no longer use shampoo to wash hair.

B People don’t use as much shampoo as before.

C People had turned to another new item.

D People’s hair is getting drier and needs less shampoo.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段的“People are working at home, so they are using less shampoo less frequently than before.”可知英国洗发水销量下降是因为人们使用洗发水的量减少了,洗头发的频率也降低了。故选B。

3.What does the underlined word “greasy” mean in Chinese?

A 油腻的.

B 毛糙的.

C 柔顺的.

D 分叉的.

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题。根据后文“Shampoo makes the skin of the head dry, so the head produces more oil, which you then shampoo again to remove. The site said, ‘By shampooing less often, your head skin naturally reduces its production of oil.’”洗发水使头皮干,头皮产生更多的油,如果少用洗发水,头皮自然分泌的油脂就会变少,因此可推知greasy的意思是“油腻的”。故选A。

4.Which of the following are in support of using shampoo? ①Nielsen’s study ②the ecosalon.com website ③Mark Coray ④the Belgravia Centre

A ①②

B ③④

C ①③

D ②④

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的Mark Coray和The Belgravia Centre的观点可知他们认为洗发水对头发是有益的,应该使用洗发水。故选B。

5.In which part of a newspaper can you most probably read the passage?

A History and culture.

B Today’s News.

C Life and Fashion.

D Business and Ad.

解析:选C。C 文章出处题。本文主要阐述了两种关于洗发水的观点,而洗发水是我们日常生活中需要用到的物品,因此本文最有可能出现在“生活与时尚”版块。故选C。