
Do you want to have a best friend accompanying you for more than 10 years? The film Soulmate(《七月与安生》) tells such a story. A quiet girl, Liu Qiyue, and an outgoing girl, Li Ansheng, make their friendship last a long time. Though they experience arguments and separation(分离), they still support each other.
Chinese actress Zhou Dongyu, 24, plays Li Ansheng. Her performatnce has had appreciation from the audience. At the same time, she also plays a spy(间谍) in the latest TV drama Sparrow(《麻雀》).
From playing an innocent(单纯的) girl in The Love of the Hawthorn Tree(《山楂树之恋》) to different roles later, Zhou has grown into a popular actress. But what has not changed is her strong heart.
Zhou is straightforward(直率的) and boyish. “I don’t like going shopping with girls in the mall. Most of my good friends are boys,” she told IFENG. COM. However, this attitude once brought her trouble. In the show Go Fighting(《极限挑战》), Zhou always spoke her mind. She once frankly declined(拒绝) to do a photo shoot with Chinese actor Wang Xun. Many people thought she was impolite, but she didn’t mean to be rude.

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1.From the film Soulmate, we know ______.

A Qiyue and Ansheng’s friendship lasts a short time

B Qiyue and Ansheng never argue each other

C Qiyue and Ansheng always separate

D Qiyue and Ansheng support each other

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句Though they experience arguments and separation, they still support each other.可知七月和安生尽管经历过争吵和分离,但一直相互支持,故选D。

2.Zhou Dongyu acted the latest TV drama Sparrow when she was ______.

A 22 years old

B 23 years old

C 24 years old

D 25 years old


3.What is Zhou Dongyu like in The Love of the Hawthorn Tree?

A She is outgoing.

B She is quiet.

C She is boyish.

D She is innocent.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第四段From playing an innocent girl in The Love of the Hawthorn Tree可知周冬雨在《山楂树之恋》当中扮演一位很单纯的的女孩,故选D。

4.From the passage, we know _______.

A Zhou Dongyu likes going shopping very much

B Zhou Dongyu once met trouble because of her attitude

C Zhou Dongyu took lots of photos with Wang Xun

D Zhou Dongyu didn’t get along with other actors

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据最后一段第三句However, this attitude once brought her trouble.可知周冬雨因为自己的态度曾经遇到过麻烦,故选B。