
China launched its first cargo spacecraft at 7:41 pm on Wednesday on a mission to test technology designed for the nation’s planned manned space station.
Tianzhou-1, the largest and heaviest spacecraft ever built by China, was on the top of a Long March 7 carrier rocket that blasted off from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan Province. According to the China Manned Space Agency, after entering an orbit about 380 kilometers above the Earth, Tianzhou-1 will conduct three autonomous dockings with the Tiangong II space laboratory to supply fuel and other items. This mission will allow scientists to test in-orbit resupply technology, which is important to run a manned space station. Tianzhou-1 will remain in space for about five months, spending two months with Tiangong II and three months in a separate orbit.
If the mission goes to plan, it will make China the second nation to successfully conduct in-orbit refueling, following Russia. The cargo vessel, developed by the China Academy of Space Technology, is 10.6 meters long and has a diameter of 3.35 meters. Its maximum takeoff weight is 13500 kilos and it can carry up to 6500 kilos of supplies. China's largest and heaviest spacecraft before Tianzhou-1 was Tiangong II, which is 10.4 meters long, has a diameter of 3.35 meters and weighs 8600 kilos. Tianzhou-1's 6500-kilo payload capacity also makes it the world's most capable cargo spacecraft in service: Japan's H-II Transfer Vehicle has 6000 kilos of payload capacity; the Cygnus and Dragon, both US-made craft, have 3500 kilos and 3300 kilos respectively; and Russia's Progress-MS has 2200 kilos.
In the future, the Tianzhou series will be tasked with transporting supplies of fuel and other necessities to China's manned space station. Construction of the station will begin next year, and it is expected to enter service by around 2022.

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1.What technology did Tianzhou 1 test?

A Spacecraft technology.

B In-orbit resupply technology.

C Manned spacecraft technology.

D Manned space station technology.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段第三句This mission will allow scientists to test in-orbit resupply technology...可知天舟1号主要解决的是在轨补给技术,故选B。

2.How long will Tianzhou 1 spend with Tiangong II?

A 2 months.

B 3 months.

C 5 months.

D 10 months.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句Tianzhou-1 will remain in space for about five months, spending two months with Tiangong II and three months in a separate orbit.可知天舟一号总共在太空待5个月,其中和天宫二号一起待2个月,故选A。

3.Which country is the first to conduct in-orbit fueling?

A China.

B Russia.

C The US.

D Japan.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段第一句If the mission goes to plan, it will make China the second nation to successfully conduct in-orbit refueling, following Russia.可知中国是继俄罗斯之后的第二个实现在轨补给的国家,因此第一个国家是俄罗斯,故选B。

4.How long will it be before the manned space station put into service?

A 3 years.

B 4 years.

C 5 years.

D 6 years.

解析:选C。数字计算题。根据最后一段最后一句Construction of the station will begin next year, and it is expected to enter service by about 2022.可知中国的载人空间站将于2022年进入服务,现在是2017年,因此还有5年,故选C。