
Movies are a great means of entertainment for many. There are some advantages of watching movies. Comedies, for example, help lower your blood pressure. When you laugh for extended periods of time, your blood vessels(血管) become wider. Intense laughter for 15 minutes during a film has the same effect on your cardiovascular(心血管的) system as exercising. Besides, when you watch a sad movie, you’re more likely to come away from it thinking about loved ones and feeling happy about what you have. 
Watching movies can make you creative. A study showed that young children who watched short clips from Harry Potter, specifically ones that involved the use of magic, scored significantly higher in a creative thinking test than children who had watched something else. Moreover, movies are very useful for enhancing individuals’ mental health. They enable people to take time to really relax and momentarily forget about their daily concerns and problems. 
However, watching movies aren’t always beneficial. Studies have shown that some people get real pleasure out of being scared by horror movies, but in various ways they may be risking their physical and mental health without even knowing it. When you watch an intense scene in a movie, your heart rate and blood pressure increase. Meanwhile this change in your brain chemistry reminds you of times when you were in a similar state, even if you have no idea you even had those memories. So if something horrible happened to you, being scared again by a movie can unintentionally make you relive it. 
Scientists, politicians and parents have debated for decades if being exposed to movie violence leads to actual real-life violence. Overall the answer to that is probably still up in the air, but a new study seems to prove that watching aggression on screen can contribute to being a bully(欺凌行为)  in real life, even if it is just in the short term.
In conclusion, certain movies play a positive role, but not all movies do. It depends completely on the subject matter of the movie. So it’s always advisable to choose the movies concerning something positive.

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1.How does watching sad movies benefit you?

A By lifting your mood.

B By developing your creativity.

C By reducing the risk of illness.

D By ridding you of unpleasant experiences.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段Besides, when you watch a sad movie, you’re more likely to come away from it thinking about loved ones and feeling happy about what you have. 可知观看悲伤电影可以改善人的情绪,故选A项。

2.What can we learn about watching movies from the passage?

A It has more advantages than disadvantages.

B Not all people realize its disadvantage.

C A lot of people ignore its health benefits.

D It has gained popularity around the world.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第三段but in various ways they may be risking their physical and mental health without even knowing it可推断并非所有人都意识到了观看电影的消极作用,故选B项。

3.What does the underlined part “up in the air” in Para. 4 most probably mean?

A Interesting.

B Unknown.

C Possible.

D Uncertain.

解析:选D。词义猜测题。至于暴力电影是否会导致现实生活中的暴力行为,尽管答案还不是非常肯定(up in the air),但最近的一项新研究表明有这方面的倾向,根据句中的让步转折的逻辑关系可判断选D项。

4.In order not to be negatively influenced by movies, you should start with ______.

A trying your best to watch movies less often

B recognizing the effects of watching movies

C learning to make a wise choice of what to watch

D improving your ability to tell right from wrong
