
An explosion(爆炸) took place around 14:40 local time in a train carriage on the runway between two metro stations in Line 2 in St. Petersburg, the second largest city of Russia on Monday. Witnesses in nearby carriages said that they heard a big bang before realizing there was an explosion. “I was right in a carriage near the front. The train stopped after a big noise. I got off the train, only to find the door in the back carriage had been damaged by the explosion,” a young man named Pavel said. “I went over and saw wounded passengers, and then I started helping them along with others.”
The explosion site was covered in a heavy smoke with debris lying around, and the wounded were lying on the platform waiting for further rescue after first aid treatment. People kept heading to the place after the explosion, where a security belt surrounding the station was set up by the police. Ambulances, fire engines and helicopters were asked to help the on-site rescue. 
All subway stations were closed at 15:40 local time (12:40 GMT) in St. Petersburg after all passengers got out. There were at least 10 deaths in total and 50 injuries at present. No Chinese citizens have been reported dead or injured in the accident so far. In addition, another explosive device was reportedly found at another metro station, which did not explode.
St. Petersburg officials announced three days of mourning(哀悼) in the city. Local officials have decided to provide 23 million rubles (about 408,000 U.S. Dollars) to help the families of those killed and injured.

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1.When did the explosion happened in GMT time?

A At 11:40.

B At 12:40.

C At 14:40.

D At 15:40.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句An explosion took place around 14:40 local time in a train carriage on the runway between two metro stations in Line 2 in St. Petersburg, the second largest city of Russia on Monday.和第三段第一句All subway stations were closed at 15:40 local time (12:40 GMT) in St. Petersburg…可知算出爆炸发生时间为格林威治时间的11点40分,故选A。

2.What made the passengers realize the explosion?

A The smoke.

B The wounds.

C The debris.

D The big bang.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句they heard a big bang before realizing there was an explosion.可知人们是听到巨响之后意识到了发生了爆炸,故选D。

3.Who were asked to help rescue after the explosion?

A Pilots.

B Firefighters.

C Doctors and nurses.

D All of the above.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句Ambulances, fire engines and helicopters were asked to help the on-site rescue.可知政府发动了救护车、消防车和直升机来参加救援,因此参加救援的人有医生、护士、消防官兵和飞行员,故选D。

4.How would the government help the families of the deaths and wounds?

A Giving them first-aid.

B Giving them money.

C Giving them treatment.

D Giving them jobs.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句Local officials have decided to provide 23 million rubles (about 408,000 U.S. Dollars) to help the families of those killed and injured.可知这些死伤人员的家属将获得金钱赔偿,故选B。