
       Every scientist had to start somewhere. Many first determined they loved science in the classroom. Others are found out they experimented at home—building and designing new things. Here are some that spend their lives spreading their love of science.

        Maria Christoforaki

      Christoforaki is a high school student at the Lyceum of Gazi in Greece. In June 2016, she was part of a team from her school that competed in the European Cansat Competition. This is a contest in which teams build models of satellites. The satellite has to be the size and shape of a soft drink can. Much creativity is required—and Christoforaki says that is the best part. “Each moment I create,” she says, “I feel like I’m free.”

        Kelly Knight

    Knight is a forensic scientist—someone who uses scientific techniques to help solve crimes. She’s a professor at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va. But that’s not all she does. “I’m also a Zumba(尊巴舞) instructor and I have my motorcycle license(执照),” she says. She’s still working on getting a motorcycle, though.

        Sara MacSorley

      MacSorley has a degree in science, who doesn’t work in a laboratory but is now the director of the Green Street Teaching and Learning Center at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Conn. She spends her time promoting education. MacSorley still loves science. She’s now working on a coloring book about women in science, technology, engineering and math.

        Erin Winick

      Winick is a student in mechanical engineering at the University of Florida in Gainesville. As an engineer, she also runs her own company, Sci Chic, making science and engineering-inspired jewelry. Her science creativity also goes beyond jewelry. “I love sewing and have made everything from a Ms. Frizzle costume to a galaxy-patterned dress,” she says. “I love making and wearing any all space and science-inspired clothing.”

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1.What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A The contest.

B Creativity.

C The satellite.

D The team.

解析:选B。B 词意指代题。破折号后的内容是对 Much creativity is required 的进一步解释,再结合她所说的话可推断 that 应指“创新,创造力”,故选B项。

2.What can we know about Kelly Knight from the passage?

A Her job involves handling the cases of criminals.

B She always rides her motorcycle.

C She devotes all her time to teaching.

D She is also an outstanding singer.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据Knight is a forensic scientist — someone who uses scientific techniques to help solve crimes.可知她是一名法医科学家,她的工作当然也就涉及处理罪犯案件,故选A项。

3.Who should be the best representative of those who love science and fashion?

A Christoforaki.

B Knight.

C MacSorley.

D Winick.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。Winick 是一名工程师,同时也是珠宝及服装设计师,又爱科学又爱时尚,故 选 D。

4.What can we know about the four females from the passage?

A They all fell in love with science at high school.

B They are all scientists with various skills.

C They make a difference in the field of science.

D They deal with science in different areas.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。文中所提到的四位女性有的是在校学生,有的是大学教授,有的利用自己的 科学能力做其他事,即他们在不同领域做着与科学相关的事,故选 D。