
       Bus advertising is a means to advertise a company’s products or services on the side panels of the buses, at the back of the buses, inside the buses, on top of the windows, on the bus tickets and on the bus shelters. Today, it’s not just the companies, even government agencies use the space on buses for carrying out various campaigns.

      If an advertisement is playing on the bus, there’s nothing you can do about it. Whoever is waiting for the bus, passing through the streets or is sitting inside the bus, has no other choice but to look at the products or services advertised. This makes more people see the products or services and then probably purchase them. Moreover, as buses travel to various places throughout the day, bus advertising has a very wide reach.

       Nowadays there’s a new phenomenon(现象), which is fast catching up. It’s known as the “bus wrap”. Bus wraps are advertisements that cover the entire bus and are planned after a particular theme, such as a company, a particular product, any government department, etc. Such great advertisements are the perfect way to catch the attention of possible customers as they’re so big that people won’t miss them!

      As the bus will always be on the move, so to make this advertising effective, try to make it very bright and colorful and keep the slogan short and to the point as people won’t have enough time to read long sentences. The logo and the pictures you use also should be appealing(吸引人的) but simple. 

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1.How does the author begin the text?

A By giving an example.

B By making a comparison.

C By giving a name.

D By giving a definition.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。第一段首先指出公交车广告就是利用与公交车相关的空间对公司的新产品或服务做广告的一种方式,即章首先给出bus advertising的定义,故选D项。

2.Why can bus advertising increase sales according to the text?

A Because it looks nicer.

B Because it can’t be avoided.

C Because it is better accepted.

D Because it improves the product.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第二段首先指出人们对公交车广告无能为力,无论你在哪,只要公交车在你的视野范围之内,你就会看到了广告宣传从而产生购买的欲望,即公交车广告之所以能提高销售额是因为人们无法避开它,故选B项。

3.What is the advantage of the bus wrap as a means of advertising?

A Its large size.

B Its special space.

C Its popularity.

D Its attractive feature.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知其优势在于其大,大得让人无法不注意到它,故选A。

4.Which is not mentioned to make the advertising effective?

A Keep the slogan short.

B Make the logo simple.

C Make the picture attractive.

D Use long sentences.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第四段的“...keep the slogan short and to the point as people won’t have enough time to read long sentences. The logo and the pictures you use also should be appealing(吸引人的) but simple. ”可知让广告有效的方式有保持口号简短,使用简单、有吸引力的标志和图片,文中也说人们没有足够的时间来阅读长句子,故选D。