
Yesterday I was a bit early for an appointment, so I stopped in at Macdonald's for a cup of coffee. I think they make the best coffee. Two very pleasant young girls were working at the counter and the customer ahead was impossible to please! 
The young girl was sweaty and near tears—I only wanted coffee but I like lots of milk in it. I really didn't want to be difficult, so I said," You go ahead and add lots of milk and if it’s not enough, I’ll ask for more."She smiled. She made a perfect coffee. I left her two pink peppermints for a tip. I went to her supervisor and let her know how well she handled such a difficult customer ahead of me. More of that needs to be done for young people starting out—probably the first job.
I remember how hard it was. I would have run away crying and quit had it been me yesterday serving those customers. I'd still be crying, too. 
Posted by Molliecat   Jul. 29, 2015 Comments (8) 
Readers' Comments    8 Comments   Add a comment 
FayBaby wrote: Customer service can be one of the most difficult and thankless jobs at times. Your expression of appreciation probably made her happy.
Mish wrote: How dear you were to lend support there, dear Mollie. Love you!
Kiwicat wrote: My sons both have dreadful first job stories of how rude and demanding customers can be. I now always encourage a new cashier or someone to do job training. Thanks for the reminder that we can be more tolerant and thankful to those who are front line customer service. 
Mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for helping calm the young worker with your appreciation and thoughtfulness. So many compassionate lessons you have earned to share. Blessings, dear Mollie. 

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1.What did the readers think about the writer’s attitude toward the young girl?

A Universal.

B Hopeless.

C Helpful.

D Personal.

解析:选C。推理判断题。由文章中的评论,比如: “Your expression of appreciation probably made her happy”可以看出,FayBaby认为作者对于服务员的态度是有着积极的意义的,也就是有帮助的,故选C。

2.Why did the writer have a cup of coffee at Macdonald's?

A Because he/she arrived for the appointment ahead of time.

B Because his/her appointment was delayed.

C Because he/she wanted some coffee to calm down for the appointment.

D Because the coffee at Macdonald's was so good.

解析:选A。细节理解题。文章第一句“Yesterday I was a bit early for an appointment, so I stopped in at Macdonald's for a coffee .”告诉我们,是由于作者赴约有点早,才决定去喝杯咖啡,由此可知选A。

3.Which of the following is TRUE about the customer before the writer?

A The customer was a pleasant young woman.

B The customer was difficult to deal with.

C The customer was easy to please.

D The customer was very sweaty.

解析:选B。细节理解题。文章第一段中提到 the customer ahead was impossible to please,后文又进行了进一步的交代,由此可以知道,这位顾客比较挑剔,不好应对,故选B。

4.The passage is most likely to be taken from ______.

A a website

B a practical guide

C a newspaper

D a textbook

解析:选A。文章出处题。由文章后半部分的:Readers Comments 8 Comments Add a comment以及后面所列举的评论来看,这是一篇来自网站的文章,故选A。