
Since I was a kid, I liked to be left alone with my own thoughts, I was always wandering around, and I was a day dreamer—not an active girl—I would rather be painting or just playing with my dolls.
Then school came and I was forced to know other kids, to learn how to get along with others, and sometimes it was a very hard problem to me. I took very seriously every hard and bullying event towards myself, which made me grow up with less and less hope in humanity.
I became a very shy girl with huge dreams, and very large fear of others. I always thought I was meant to be alone and I was prepared to be later in life and then got engaged and moved in with my beloved. I've completed my studies, and after 15 years we had a baby.
But even now, I don't feel it's easy-going. I still need my moments, and I need to be alone even if it's just for 10 minutes.
This winter I found meditation(沉思) after my new depression and at the same time I've found this wonderful community.
I don't know anyone here, but that's not the point. I get a lot of inspiration and ways of seeing and living life. I learn to be different, I dare to be different and I feel I'm growing inside. I'm in an office full of people, feeling somewhat alone: this online place is a sanctuary(避难所) of kindness.
Before this community, I was able to finish my statements like this with open heart, with no fear of getting hurt.

本时文内容由奇速英语国际教育研究院原创编写,未经书面授权,禁止复制和任何商业用途,版权所有,侵权必究!(合作联系:028-84400718  QQ:757722345)

1.What was the author like when she was a kid?

A She liked playing with other kids.

B She often felt lonely.

C She was a day dreamer.

D She was an active girl.

解析:选C。细节理解题。从第一段Since I was a kid, I liked to be left alone with my own thoughts…I was a day dreamer—not an active girl...可知作者喜欢单独待着,但是不孤独,是个做白日梦的人。故选C。

2.Why did the author become less and less hopeful in humanity at school?

A Because she had some difficulty in getting along with others.

B Because she often had a frightening dream.

C Because she had some trouble with her studies.

D Because she didn’t get along with her parents.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第二段...I was forced to know other kids, to learn how to get along with others, and sometimes it was a very hard problem to me...可知作者是被迫去结识别人,与别人相处,与别人相处有一定的困难,这使得作者在人际关系上感到越来越没有希望,故选A。

3.How did the author change after she had a baby?

A She became more confident.

B She became more active.

C She became easy-going.

D She still liked to be alone for just 10 minutes.


4.What inspired the author and changed her life?

A The people in the community.

B The people in online community.

C Her relatives.

D Her neighbors.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据最后三段的内容和this online place is a sanctuary of kindness可知,故选B。