
Two trendy restaurants in Paris give good-looking people better tables than not-so-good-looking people. This is according to staff who used to work at the two eateries. The former employees told a Parisian newspaper about the restaurants’ seating policy. They said, “The good-looking customers are led to the good places, where they can be easily seen; the non-good-looking ones must be seated in the corner of the restaurant.” This rule did not apply to celebrity(名人) diners. The rule for them was that, “pretty or ugly, old or young”, they got the good tables. Even the waiters and waitresses were employed based on looks. One ex-waitress said, “Anyone short, without a model’s build(体型) and over 30 need not apply.”

The ex-staff members said the restaurants’ owner wanted to make sure the restaurants had a good image by seating attractive guests in easy-to-see places. They said the restaurants’ owner would visit regularly to make sure his “beauty policy” was working. If he saw someone whose face he didn’t like at a good table, he would tell the staff, “There are good-looking people, you put them here; there are bad-looking people, you put them there.” Furthermore, staff could not promise to give a table to customers who telephoned to book a table, just in case they were not beautiful. Staff only decided where to seat them after they came to the restaurant and looked at their faces.

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1.What does the underlined word “eateries” refer to?

A Seats.

B People.

C Trends.

D Restaurants.

解析:选D。D 词意指代题。根据第一段第一、二句可知,巴黎有两家潮餐厅给好看的人提供的位置比不太 好看的人提供的位置要好,这是曾经在这两家“餐 厅”工作的员工说的。故选 D。

2.Which of the following is NOT against the rule of “beauty policy”?

A Putting ugly celebrities in good places.

B Putting old customers in easy-to-see places.

C Putting handsome celebrities in the corner.

D Putting young beautiful ladies in the corner.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第一段“The good-looking customers are led to the good places...the non-good-looking ones must be seated in the corner of the restaurant.” 和 “This rule did not apply to celebrity(名人) diners. The rule for them was that, “pretty or ugly, old or young”, they got the good tables.”可知对于一般人而言,好看的人会得到好的位置,不那么好看的就会得到角落的位置,对 名人而言,不管美丑,都可以得到好位置。故选 A。

3.Who is most probably employed as a waiter or waitress by the two restaurants?

A Jessica, who had her eighteenth birthday last year.

B Luke, who was a successful book seller.

C Brian, who was an experienced waiter.

D Trent, who used to be a model.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第一段倒数第二句“Even the waiters and waitresses were employed based on looks.”可知这两家餐厅的服务员是根据长相来雇 佣的,故曾经做过模特的特伦特最有可能被雇 佣,故选 D。

4.Why did the two restaurants seat good-looking people to good places?

A To make sure the “beauty policy” works.

B To make a good impression on customers.

C To make handsome or beautiful people pleased

D To show other customers their good-looking faces.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句可知,老板希望通过将有吸引力的客人安排在容易看到的地 方,来确保餐厅的良好形象,即让顾客对餐厅有个好印象,故选 B。

5.If you want to get a seat in the restaurants, you can _________.

A go there yourself

B telephone and make an order

C ask your friend to make an order

D pay more money

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第二段倒数最后两句可知职员不能给打电话预定座位的客户承诺预留座位,只有当客人到店里来的时候,餐厅才能根据他们的长相安排座位,即想要在这两个餐厅就餐,只能亲自前往,故选 A。