
The Swedish furniture giant IKEA has banned old people from dating at its store in Shanghai, China. Store managers decided to stop what they described as “illegal date clubs”. Since the store opened several years ago, hundreds of lonely, divorced or widowed(丧偶的) elderly people have arrived at the caféteria in search of love and friendships. Many of them simply used the caféteria as a meeting place and did not buy anything. Management said they occupied seats for extended periods, spoke loudly, spat on the floor and had quarrels and fights. The store posted a notice saying: “From today, the caféteria will only be for people who purchase their food first.”

The older customers are burning with anger because of the ban. They say they have nowhere else to go. An 88-year-old IKEA regular said, “We’ve been to McDonald’s and KFC, but there are barely any of our peers there. We feel like aliens there surrounded by youngsters.” Another frequent visitor to the caféteria said, “I guess few people know just how lonely old people are. Our kids are not around, and some visit only on weekends. I feel quite good when I come here. I talk with friends, but some elderly do meet people who become lovers.” Some customers have little support for those in search of love. They have complained that there is nowhere to sit because of the matchmaking groups.

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1.Why do the elderly people come to the caféteria?

A To become excited.

B To get confidence.

C To join date clubs.

D To find lovers or friends.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段第三句的“in search of love and friendships”可知,这些老年人是为了寻找真爱和友谊,即在这里来寻找爱人或朋友。故选 D。

2.Which word can be used to describe the older customers according to the management?

A Rude.

B Ungrateful.

C Creative.

D Responsible.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第一段“Management said they occupied seats for extended periods, spoke loudly, spat on the floor and had quarrels and fights.”可知管理人员认为那些老年顾客占座位时间长,大声喧哗,随地吐痰,时而争吵时而打架。即他们的行为举止很粗鲁。故选 A。

3.What does the 88-year-old IKEA regular intend to tell us?

A They are here searching for love.

B Their children are not around.

C They feel lonely in other places.

D They often go to McDonald’s.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第二段的“We’ve been to McDonald’s and KFC, but there are barely any of our peers there. We feel like aliens there surrounded by youngsters.”可知那位宜家常客说,他们去过麦当劳和肯德基,但那里几乎都是年轻人,他们老年人在那里就像外星人一样,由此推知他们在那里找不到同龄人,感觉孤独。故选 C。

4.What does the “the matchmaking groups” in the last paragraph refer to?

A The youngsters.

B Normal date clubs.

C People in search of love.

D The elderly people in IKEA.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句可知,有些顾客对那些寻找爱情的人(在宜家相亲的老年人)没有多少支持,他们抱怨说因为这些相亲团体的存在,他们都没有地方可以坐。故选 D。

5.Which part is the passage probably from in a newspaper?

A Education.

B Sports.

C Entertainment.

D Society.

解析:选D。D 文章出处题。根据全文可知,文章围绕上海宜家禁止老年顾客占位“非法相亲”展开,属于社会新闻,故最有可能在“社会”版块看到,故选 D。