

Beggars can be seen in public places, such as in the streets, subway cars or at scenic spots in almost all the big cities. Some are for real and need the money. Others are just members of a gang or are used to collecting money. Would you give beggars money, or just ignore(忽视) them? Different people have different views.

Bolak Sonday in Philippines

I usually don’t give money to beggars except when they don’t have the ability to live on themselves. However, there are a lot of beggars out there who still have a good body and are really able to work for some kind of jobs. But instead of working hard, they only depend on others to feed them. I don’t like to help those beggars.

Zhang Wei in China

You all don’t understand. When you give money to a beggar, even “one or two coins”, you are creating more beggars. If you really want to help a beggar, you’ve got to stop and give them your time. Find out where they live, what is the origin of their problem, etc...Then, if they don’t have a home, you’ve got to take them to a shelter. By the way, most of the beggars you meet don’t want your help. They want your money!

Rogowiec in Poland

In Europe, some people do the “professional begging”. Now in the newspapers in Poland, there is a story about a man who owns some good cars, has nice house etc, living as a professional beggar. This is one of the reasons I avoid giving anything to beggars. Another reason is that some of them are kind of like the Mafia, which forces kids and others to “work” for them.


1.What’s mainly talked about in the passage?

A People should give money to beggars.

B People should help beggars from heart.

C People don’t need to help rich beggars.

D People have different views on helping beggars.

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。文章第一段最后两句就是文章的主题句,不同的人对于帮助乞丐的方式有不同的看法。故选D。

2.Where can’t you probably see beggars?

A In the streets.

B On the subway.

C At scenic spots.

D On a construction site.


3.What kind of beggars does Bolak Sonday give money to?

A Beggars who need money.

B Beggars who are working hard.

C Beggars who can’t live on themselves.

D Beggars who depend on others to feed them.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。从第二段的“I usually don’t give money to beggars except when they don’t have the ability to live on themselves”可知Bolak Sonday通常不给乞丐钱,除非他们没有能力养活自己。故选C。

4.What doesn’t Zhang Wei think should be done to beggars?

A Giving them money.

B Taking them to a shelter.

C Stopping to give them time.

D Helping them go back home.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第三段可知,Zhang Wei赞成通过花时间帮助乞丐找到住的地方、从源头上解决乞丐的乞讨问题等,但就是不要直接给钱给乞丐。故选A。

5.Which of the following is NOT true about Rogowiec’s opinions?

A Some beggars are not really in trouble.

B Begging is a good job to earn money.

C Some beggars earn much money by begging.

D Rogowiec will give nothing to beggars.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。从文章第四段可知,有些乞丐是专业乞讨者,他们甚至比有工作的人更富有,Rogowiec对这一现象持否定态度,因此B选项意思与Rogowiec的态度不符,故选B。