

  If you are ready to move your water adventures out to the open sea, then the touring kayak(皮艇) may be for you. The touring kayak is bigger than the ordinary kayak to suit for the open waters. It also features other parts that will make your travels easier and safer. Since safety is the number one concern when it comes to any outdoor activity, these kayaks are designed with your safety in mind.

  When you use touring kayaks to go out on the open waters you will find that they are much easier to handle than some of the other styles. Since some of the adventures that you may take can last for days, being easier to hold is a big help. They are also designed more for comfort and with lots of storage(储存) space for the same reason. You will be able to carry all the necessary equipment needed to make your trip a safe and exciting one.

  Touring kayaks are designed to carry one or two people. Many people like to team up and go kayaking in group. It is also safe if you travel in numbers, because the touring kayak is designed heavier and larger, it could be very difficult to turn over.

  Kayakers who go out on open waters usually enjoy spending a night by an open fire or combine some other hobbies such as photographing and bird watching. If you go out kayaking for one day or several days, please always follow the following safety tips to make sure you return home safety...


1.When engaging in an outside activity, people care mostly about __________.

A how fun it is

B where it is held

C whether it is safe

D how to handle it

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段Since safety is the number one concern when it comes to any outdoor activity...可知人们最关注的是户外活动的安全问题,故选C。

2.The second paragraph mainly tells us touring kayaks ____.

A are easy to hold and comfortable

B have much space for storage

C have enough equipment

D can hold many people

解析:选A。A 段落大意题。根据第二段...easier to handle...easier to hold...和...also designed more for comfort and with lots of storage(储存) space for the same reason.可知本段讲的是皮艇容易驾驭和设计舒适这两大优势,有大量的储存空间也是为了舒适,故选A。

3.Why is the touring kayak designed heavier and larger?

A To carry more people.

B To hold more luggage.

C To create sports space.

D To keep the balance.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第三段...because the touring kayak is designed heavier and larger, it could be very difficult to turn over.可知因为皮艇设计得更重更大,所以不容易翻。即皮艇设计得重和大是为了保持皮艇的平衡,以保持其不翻,故选D。

4.What will most probably be talked about in the next paragraph of the passage?

A Warm tips about going out on waters.

B Some instructions about safety.

C Suggestions about camping.

D Advice on how to enjoy trips.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据最后一段please always follow the following safety tips to make sure you return home safety...可推知接下来会讲到一些safety tips,故选B。

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A Safety Tips on Water Adventures

B Touring Kayaks and Its Advantages

C A Safe and Exciting Trip on Waters

D Outside Activities on Open Waters

解析:选B。B 主旨大意题。根据第一段...these kayaks are designed with your safety in mind和第二段...a safe and exciting one...以及第三段It is also safe...和最后一段“坐皮艇可以享受的事情”可知,整篇文章谈的都是“皮艇”及其优势,故选B。