
Stephen Ritz is a South Bronx teacher who believes students shouldn’t have to leave their community to live, learn and earn in a better one. After suffering the tragic loss of his twins, he refocused his energy on helping other kids. Stephen teaches science in Public School 55 in New York City’s South Bronx. The school had a 17% graduation rate, violence, poverty, and 99% of the kids attending the school qualified for free or reduced lunches. 77% of the kids Stephen teaches have some form of learning disabilities. If they had proper pre-natal(孕期的) nutrition, many of those disabilities wouldn’t be there.
Stephen was given a box of daffodil bulbs(水仙球) and hid them behind the school’s radiator to prevent the kids throwing them at each other. One day, one of the kids discovered the daffodils had bloomed, and there were hundreds of flowers behind the radiator.
This got Stephen thinking. They could grow food indoors and outdoors all year round, using a new technology that requires 90% less space and 90% less water. Now Stephen and his students have installed over 100 gardens in New York City alone. The Green Bronx Machine project has also created a promotion in the health for everyone involved. The students, many of whom had learning disabilities created by poor nutrition, have also seen an increase in their nutritional health, and overall well-being.
The project, which is fully integrated into the school’s core curriculum, has raised the school’s daily attendance rate from 40% to 93%, with 100% passing state standardized tests. It also created over 2,200 student jobs, and local crime has fallen significantly.
Stephen Ritz has been nominated for the Global Teachers prize for his work on the Green Bronx machine. If awarded the Prize, Stephen would use the funds to invest in the Health, Wellness and Biodiversity Center he’s currently working to set up in the South Bronx—“a place of wonder, inquiry and engagement for students, teachers, parents and the whole community”.

本时文内容由奇速英语国际教育研究院原创编写,未经书面授权,禁止复制和任何商业用途,版权所有,侵权必究!(合作联系:028-84400718  QQ:757722345)

1.What can we learn about Community School 55 in the South Bronx from the text?

A Its teaching quality is not bad.

B It’s intended for disabled kids.

C It is located in a poor district.

D It has a good educational system.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第一段77% of the kids Stephen teaches have some form of learning disabilities. If they had proper pre-natal nutrition, many of those disabilities wouldn’t be there可知该地区非常贫穷,故选C项。

2.What made Stephen Ritz think of launching the project?

A That his children passed away.

B That the hidden plants were found out.

C That he wanted to test a new technology.

D That the kids showed interest in growing food.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段One day, one of the kids discovered the daffodils had bloomed, and there were hundreds of flowers behind the radiator和第三段This got Stephen thinking.可知选B项。

3.According to the text, the Green Bronx Machine project has created a place where _____.

A people want to learn and work

B people don’t go hungry any more

C people are least likely to be disabled

D few people get involved in illegal activities

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第四段The project, which is fully integrated into school’s the core curriculum, has raised the school’s daily attendance rate from 40% to 93%, with 100% passing state standardized tests. It also created over 2,200 student jobs, and local crime has fallen significantly.可判断该项目使人又想学习又想工作,故选A项。

4.What is Stephen Ritz devoted to doing at present?

A Improving the local vegetation.

B Increasing the local employment.

C Establishing a research organization.

D Applying for the Global Teachers prize.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据最后一段If awarded the Prize, Stephen would use the funds to invest in the Health, Wellness and Biodiversity Center he’s currently working to set up in the South Bronx可知他正在致力于建立一个研究中心,故选C项。

5.What is the best title for the text?

A A teacher’s efforts to make life better.

B A project serving the students well.

C Great changes to a community school.

D A good teacher worth awarding.

解析:选D。文章标题题。本文主要讲述Stephen Ritz通过成立项目Green Bronx Machine而造福学生及当地民众而被提名获奖,故选D项。