

A report from the U.N. says violence(暴力)against children is widely around the world. The report says about 95,000 young people were killed in 2012. It also says among those people, most of them live in poor and middle-income countries.
Violence against children exists, although we may not always see it. The report examines violence against children in 190 countries. An official from U.N. says children are at risk everywhere. She says the danger exists in every economic and social situation, culture and others. It happens in places where children should be safe: their homes, schools and communities. Increasingly it happens over the Internet. And it is done by family members and teachers, neighbors and strangers and other children.
Violence often starts in the home. Researchers found almost one billion children suffer physical punishment from parents and caregivers. They said children also suffer violence at school, with one in three young people saying they suffered physical punishment from their teachers. 
The report’s writers said we must take steps to protect the children. They said we should try our best to reduce the threat(威胁)of violence in the home. They said necessary services also should be provided for children who have suffered psychological or physical punishment. And they advised that we should make proper laws and policies to protect children.


1.This passage mainly talks about ________.

A wide violence against children around the world

B how to communicate with children

C how to look after children

D how to make proper laws to protect children


2.The underlined phrase “at risk” in the passage means ________ in Chinese.

A 爱冒险

B 有危险

C 出风头

D 受威胁

解析:选B。词义猜测题。依据“ She says the danger exists in every economic and social situation, culture and others. ”可猜测这里应为“有危险”,故选B。

3.From the passage, we know that danger may happen_________.

A on the children’s school bus

B in the park with a pool

C at the children’s home

D on the children’s way to school

解析:选C。细节理解题。依据文中的“It happens in places where children should be safe: their homes, schools and communities.”可知危险可能发生在家里,故选C。

4.According to the passage, the steps to protect children are _________.

A to take good care of children

B to stop children searching the Internet

C to tell children not to communicate with strangers

D to make proper laws and policies

解析:选D。细节理解题。依据短文的最后一句“And they advised that we should make proper laws and policies to protect children.”可知我们应制定合理的法律和政策来保护孩子,故选D。

5.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A In poor and middle-income countries few young people were killed.

B Violence against children may be done by their teachers.

C We should provide help for children who have suffered physical punishment services.

D We should do our best to reduce the threat of violence at home.

解析:选A。综合理解题。由第一段的“It also says among those people, most of them live in poor and middle-income countries.”可判断“死了的孩子当中,大多数生活在贫穷和中等收入的国家。”故判断A与原文不符。