
You have discovered a shampoo that leaves your hair looking beautiful. But gradually, as you use it more, its magical effects seem to wear off. “It is just your hair getting used to it,” your mum says. And so you sigh, stick the shampoo back under the sink and head off in search of your next wonder product.
Why else would something that left you looking nice at first suddenly start keeping your hair in a mess? And are there some other factors at play? Can your hair really get used to a certain shampoo?
Marie Claire spoke to the hair experts and it turns out that it is not true. Your hair cannot get so used to a product that it just stops working. So what is the deal? Cynthia Alvarez, a famous hair stylist, explained that there are a number of contributing factors to your hair riddle, but basically, it is not the shampoo:
“A shampoo does not stop working because your hair gets used to it,” she said. “If your shampoo stops giving you the results you want, the condition and needs of your hair have most likely changed, or the season may have changed—it is more humid, the sun is stronger, or the air is drier. Your state of health may also be different because of a recent illness.”
In other words you need to give up reproaching the shampoo. Then what can you do to make your hair look beautiful for a little longer? Alvarez recommends changing your ways of taking care of your hair when factors, such as the weather, change. It is also necessary for you to keep an eye on how much shampoo you should use to wash your hair because using too much can be bad for your hair.

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1.What does the passage begin with?

A An unexplained feature of shampoos.

B A problem with misusing shampoos.

C A mother’s opinion about a shampoo.

D A misunderstanding about shampoos.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。第一段提到:找到一种洗发水,让你拥有秀发,成功守护秀发恒久之美。但是,渐渐地,随着使用次数的增加,这种洗发水的神奇效果似乎消失了。人们认为其中的原因是“你的头发已经适应了这种洗发水了”,但结合下文可知,事实上并非如此,这只不过是一种误解,故选D。

2.What opinion should Marie Claire hold about a shampoo?

A It easily gets adjusted to hair.

B It won’t lose its effects on hair.

C Its effects on hair are linked to many factors.

D It doesn’t work mainly because it’s out of date.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第三段Marie Claire spoke to the hair experts and it turns out that it is not true. Your hair cannot get so used to a product that it just stops working.再结合倒数第二段可知玛丽亚·克莱尔的观点应该是洗发水对头发的效果与很多因素有关,故选C。

3.Which of the following may not influence the effects of shampoo?

A The change of the season.

B Your state of health.

C The condition and needs of your hair.

D Your hair’s getting used to the shampoo.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据倒数第三段可知,影响洗发水效果的原因有三:一是头发本身的状况发生了变化,二是可能受到季节变化的影响,三是身体状况可能会发生变化。只有D项不是其原因。故选D。

4.The underlined word “reproaching” in the last paragraph probably means __________.

A blaming

B changing

C using

D reducing

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题。根据上段可知,洗发水的神奇效果的消失事实上不是因为你的头发已经适应了这种洗发水,所以你不应该责怪你所使用的洗发水,故选A。