
Students in the Chinese city have been ranked in top place in international school tests, and the World Bank has published a report investigating Shanghai’s academic success.
It found that the standard of teaching was the biggest advantage, including a system of constant teacher training and upgrading of skills. Teachers in Shanghai, on average, spend only a third of their time teaching—with most of their time being spent on training, preparation and working with mentors(导师).
There are serious requirements to get into teaching and even though teachers can be dismissed, the study found that, in practice, this was rare. Instead, there was a system with a very strong emphasis on training and a career built on incentives(奖励) for the best teachers.
Head teachers are expected to carry on teaching and part of their pay is linked to their school’s performance. There are incentives for teachers and head teachers to work in tougher underperforming and rural schools—such as helping their careers to advance more quickly. And there can be rotations(轮流) of teachers working in the most disadvantaged schools.
The World Bank also found that Shanghai benefited from an “entrusted school” system in which stronger schools were “twinned” with weaker schools and expected to raise their standards. The most recent international Pisa tests, run by the OECD, have put Shanghai in top place for maths, reading and science in a global league table of countries and regional school systems.
Report author Xiaoyan Liang said, “One of the most impressive aspects of Shanghai’s education system is the way it improves, supports and manages teachers, who are central to any effort to raise the education quality in schools.” She said the high level of public respect for teachers in Shanghai was another reflection of how well they teach. They’re true professionals.

本时文内容由奇速英语国际教育研究院原创编写,未经书面授权,禁止复制和任何商业用途,版权所有,侵权必究!(合作联系:028-84400718  QQ:757722345)

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A The teacher training system in Shanghai.

B The teaching standards in Shanghai.

C Shanghai students’ good performance.

D Causes of Shanghai’s academic success.


2.The teachers in Shanghai are encouraged to ______.

A work in rural schools

B compete with each other

C spend most time teaching

D challenge global tests

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第四段There are incentives for teachers and head teachers to work in tougher underperforming and rural schools—such as helping their careers to advance more quickly. And there can be rotations of teachers working in the most disadvantaged schools.可知在上海老师被鼓励下乡支教,故选A项。

3.Why can the students in Shanghai be ranked in top place in international school tests?

A Because the teachers work very hard.

B Because the teachers work very smartly.

C Because the students study very hard.

D Because the students are very smart.


4.How are teachers in Shanghai inspired to improve their teaching skills?

A By basing their salary on their performance.

B By forcing them to be trained for a little time.

C By dismissing those who are bad at teaching.

D By rewarding them based on their performance.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第三段Instead, there was a system with a very strong emphasis on training and a career built on incentives for the best teachers.可推断通过奖励来激励教师提升自己的教学水平,故选D项。

5.What can be inferred about Shanghai’s education from the passage?

A Its education quality is the best in China.

B It’s difficult to work here as a teacher.

C Few teachers are fired in Shanghai.

D Its teachers enjoy the highest salary.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第三段...even though teachers can be dismissed, the study found that, in practice, this was rare.可推断在上海没几个老师被解雇,故选C项。