


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has promised to donate $50 million to United Nations agencies and other international groups to purchase supplies to fight against the deadly outbreak of Ebola in West Africa. “It became clear to us over the last seven to 10 days that the speed and area of the epidemic(流行)was increasing significantly,” said Chris Elias, president of global development for the world’s largest charitable foundation.

The Seattle-based foundation said the money will go to the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and international organizations involved in fighting transmission of the virus. The money will be used to purchase supplies and to develop vaccines, therapies and better diagnostic tools. 

“By fighting Ebola now, we can make sure it doesn’t become an endemic(地方病)in West Africa,” Gates tweeted on Wednesday.

The foundation wants to help stop the outbreak as well as accelerate development of treatments and improve prevention. Elias said foundation officials have been talking to its partners around the world to work out the best use of its dollars and could not say yet how much would be spent on the emergency response and how much on research and development.

Global health and development lead the work of the foundation, which has given away $30 billion since 1997. The foundation formed by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife reported an endowment(捐赠基金)worth $40billion as of March 2014.

The $50million includes $10million the foundation previously committed(致力于)for emergency operations, treatment and research. Of that money, $5million went to the World Health Organization for emergency operations and research and development. Another $5million went to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF to support efforts in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea to purchase medical supplies and disseminate information.

Some of the $50million will support strengthening existing health care systems in the countries affected by the outbreak, the foundation said.



1.What will the money contributed by Gates be used for?

A Prevention, supplies, education, diagnostic tools.

B Treatment, vaccines, research, food.

C Supplies, vaccines, therapies, prevention.

D Vaccines, research, prevention, hospitals.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第二、四段可知,比尔与梅琳达•盖茨基金会的捐款将用于购置设备,开发疫苗,研究治疗方法和预防措施。故选C。

2.Why have the foundation officials talked to its partners around the world?

A To value the best use of their donation.

B To decide how to use the donation specifically.

C To measure the Ebola situation in West Africa.

D To make a plan to deal with Ebola across the world.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第四段…to work out the best use of its dollars可知,基金会官员交流的目的是对捐款的用途进行评估。

3.How much of the donated money be spent on emergency operations, treatment and research?

A $40millon.

B $20million.

C $10million.

D $5million.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第六段…$10million the foundation previously committed for emergency operations, treatment and research可知,捐款中的一千万美元将用于紧急救助,治疗和研究。

4.What can be implied in the passage?

A Gates had contributed most of their money to the world.

B Gates worries that Ebola will frequently attack in West Africa.

C With the money Gates donated, the war against Ebola will be won.

D The situation in West Africa is uncontrollable.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。文章第三段援引盖茨推特的话By fighting Ebola now, we can make sure it doesn’t become an endemic in [West] Africa判断,盖茨担心埃博拉病毒成为经常困扰西非的地方病。

5.What does the underlined word most probably mean in Paragraph Six?

A Collect.

B Search.

C Block.

D Spread.

解析:选D。D 猜测词义题。根据语境判断,盖茨基金会提供的五千万美元中将有五百万元用于购置医疗物资及疾病知识的宣传费用。由此判断,disseminate意为“宣传,传播”。