
An expert believes she has detected the secret of what dogs dream about. Dr Deirdre Barrett, a psychologist(心理学家) at Harvard Medical School, did research into dog dreams and said that, among other things, dogs dream about their owners.

Dr Barrett said canine(犬的) dreams were comparable to those we have. She said, “Humans dream about the same things they’re interested in by day. There’s no reason to think animals are any different. Since dogs are generally very attached(依恋) to their human owners, it’s likely that your dog is dreaming of your face, your smell and of pleasing or annoying you.” The psychologist even advised pet owners to give their pets happy daytime experiences to make sure they have nice dreams.

Dr Barrett stated that there is no way of knowing for certain what dogs see when they dream. Research isn’t even close to finding that mystery with human dreams. The results are according to the fact that canines and other mammals(哺乳动物) have a sleep cycle(周期) that is similar to the human sleep cycle. This includes a period of activity called REM (Rapid Eye Movement), which is the part of the sleep cycle when humans dream. She said, “That certainly makes it the best guess that other mammals are dreaming too.”

Dr Barrett also explained the reason why dogs move their legs while they are asleep. She said they are probably acting out their dreams, so their legs move in a running motion(运动) in their sleep.


1.What does the underlined word “detected” mean?

A Remained.

B Discovered.

C Experienced.

D Doubted.

解析:选B。B 根据第一段可知一位专家 detected 关于狗狗做梦的秘密,结合该段最后一句“dogs dream about their owners”可知该专家是“发现,找出”了关于狗狗做梦的秘密。故选 B。

2.What did the psychologist think pet owners should do?

A Sleep with their pets.

B Walk their pets after dinner.

C Play with their pets before sleep.

D Make their pets glad during the day.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题 。 根 据 第 二 段 最 后 一 句 “The psychologist even advised pet owners to give their pets happy daytime experiences to make sure they have nice dreams.”可知这位心理学家建议宠物主人让他们的宠物在白天有愉快的经历,以确保它们睡觉时能做个好梦。故选 D。

3.What makes it possible to know what dogs see in their dreams?

A Dogs’ attaching to owners.

B Rapid Eye Movement.

C Dog’s experience.

D The sleep cycle.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题 。 根 据 第 三 段 “The results are according to the fact that canines and other mammals have a sleep cycle that is similar to the human sleep cycle.”关于狗做梦梦见什么的这些结果是根据狗和其他哺乳动物都有类似于人类的睡眠周期推断出来的,也就是这个与人类相似的睡眠周期让我们知道了狗在梦里能看见什么。故选 D。

4.Why do dogs move their legs while sleeping according to Dr Barrett?

A They may be doing what they do in dreams.

B They may be following their dreams.

C They may be sleeping on their legs.

D They may be sleepwalking.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据最后一段“She said they are probably acting out their dreams”可知 Dr Barrett 认为狗狗睡觉的时候腿在动是因为他们可能在表演他们的梦境,即它们在做它们在梦里梦到的事。故选 A。

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A Daydreaming.

B The dreams of dogs.

C The dog and the owner.

D The sleep cycle of dogs.

解析:选B。B 文章标题题。根据文章中心段首段可知,文章主要讲的是关于狗狗的梦境的相关发现。故选 B。