


When the Egyptian government proudly announced plans to build a new Suez Canal last month, officials were so puffed up with pride that they took the time-honored step of commissioning a series of stamps to mark the £2.4 billion project.

But in an embarrassing start to the scheme, it appears that the stamps are not all they seem—the designers have managed to mix up their canals. Instead of featuring photographs taken only in Egypt, the stamps have been printed with pictures of the other world -famous canal that runs through Panama.

Egyptissues stamps of ‘new Suez Canal’, but steals an image of the “Panama Canal instead,” tweeted Amro Ali, an academic from the coastal city of Alexandria. “Major fail”. The stamps feature images of a map of the Suez Canal, along with photographs of a waterway in a desert setting which do indeed appear to come from Egypt. However they also show another two waterways in a green, fertile landscape which bears an incredible resemblance to the Panama Canal — the 48 mile Central American passage which links the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

The Suez Canal has long been an asset desired by European empires and local Arab nationalists alike. It was once one of the gateways to the British Empire in India. Also revenues from the canal, which total around £3 billion ever year, are now a hugely important channel of revenue for the Egyptian government.

Officials in Cairo announced their plan for a 45-mile extension of the waterway last month. The scheme will allow ships to travel in both directions for a section of the waterway. But engineers have already run into hot water after it emerged that thousands of Egyptians have been forced to move away from their homes to make way for the bypass.

A government official, speaking to an Egyptian newspaper Youm 7, said that the postal service was aware of the mix up and was trying to correct the mistake.



1.What made the Egyptian officials feel proud?

A They were going to build a £2.4 billion project.

B They were going to issue stamps about the Suez Canal.

C Their country would be rich with the huge revenues from the canal.

D The Suez Canal would be extended and ships can run both ways.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第一段可知,埃及人将建价值24亿英镑的新运河,这个工程规模宏大,让他们感到自豪。

2.In what way do the two images resemble each other?

A Waterways in a desert setting.

B Water passages through the center of a continent.

C Both directions of the waterway.

D Green and fertile landscape.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第三段…in a green, fertile landscape which bears an incredible resemblance to the Panama Canal可知,这两条运河经过的部分都有绿色平原,肥沃的土地,这一点是所谓相像的地方。

3.What makes the Suez Canal desirable to European countries?

A The gateways to the British Empire in India.

B The huge yearly revenue the canal brings about.

C The short way linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

D The important position of the canal.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第四段可知,欧洲人和阿拉伯人对苏伊士运河垂涎已久,主要是因为这条运河重要的地理位置。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A Ships can travel both directions through the canal.

B Local people can make much money from the canal.

C There was a serious problem with the extension project.

D The water in a section of the new canal is hot.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段…have already run into hot water after it emerged that…可知,延伸河段工程涉及当地人的搬迁问题,由此判断,工程并非一帆风顺,而是遇到了很大的问题和困难。

5.What can be the best title of the passage?

A The Suez Canal and the Panama Canal.

B Mixing up of the Images for the Suez Canal Stamps.

C Important Position of the Suez Canal.

D The Project of the New Suez Canal.

解析:选B。B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要内容是,埃及邮政部门为纪念新苏伊士运河动工发行邮票出现乌龙事件。故选B。