
Teenage drivers are still the most likely to crash, according to a new study. The Highway Safety Association (HSA) in the USA found that teen drivers are 1.6 times more likely to be in a traffic accident than adult drivers. Teens aged 18 to 19 are the likeliest to be in a fatal crash. They are in more deadly car collisions than even 15-to-17-year-old drivers. The HSA said recent figures show an increase in teen driver deaths for the first time since 2006. HSA spokesman Jonathan Adkins said, "This report drives home the message that there is still much to do to reduce teen driver fatal crashes and the resulting deaths." He added, "The increase in teen driver fatal crashes is concerning and we are keeping a watchful eye."
The HSA has been working with the Ford motor company in a special Driving Skills for Life program. This was first launched in the USA and has expanded to 35 countries worldwide. It helps new drivers recognize road hazards and teaches them how to be safer drivers. Jim Graham, Global Manager for the Driving Skills for Life program, said, "Smart programs that focus on teen driving behavior have been very successful in helping novice and younger drivers be safer on the roads, but we still have more to do." The greatest chance of crashing is in the first six months after teens get their license. It's understandable why parents worry so much about their teen passing their driving test.


1.Which of the following is most likely to get into a car accident?

A A 14-year-old.

B A 19-year-old.

C A 30-year-old.

D A 70-year-old.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段“However, teenage drivers are still the most likely to get into car accidents, according to a new study.”可知,青少年司机是最有可能出车祸的。A 项中 14 岁还不能开车。故选 B。

2.What does the underlined word “fatal” probably mean?

A 安全的.

B 经常的.

C 致命的.

D 罕见的.

解析:选C。C 词义猜测题。根据前一句“Teens aged 18 to 19 are the most likely to be in an accident where death is caused.”18 到 19 岁的青少年司机是最有可能发生致命车祸的,再结合划线词所在句可知,他们甚至比 15 到 17 岁的青少年司机还更容易发生致命车祸。由此推断,fatal 意为“致命的,造成死亡的”。故选 C。

3.How does Jonathan Adkins feel about the increase in teen driver fatal accidents?

A Satisfied.

B Disappointed.

C Excited.

D Worried.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句 Jonathan Adkins 所说的话“The increase in teen driver fatal accidents is worrying and we are keeping a watchful eye”可知青少年司机造成致命车祸这件事令人担忧,可知选 D。

4.What can we know about Driving Skills for Life program?

A It teaches teenagers how to drive.

B It helps new drivers know roads.

C It helps new drivers drive more safely.

D It makes younger drives be successful.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。 根据第三段的 “It helps new drivers know road risks and teaches them how to be safer drivers”可知,这个项目帮助新手司机意识到路上可能存在的危险,并且教他们做一个更安全的司机,也就是帮助他们更安全地驾车。故选 C。

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A How to Reduce Car Accidents.

B Dangerous Teenage Drivers.

C Teenagers Are Road Killers.

D The Car Crashes on the Road.

解析:选B。B 文章标题题。根据文章中心段首段可知,文章主要讲述的是青少年驾车容易出车祸这个事情, B项“危险的青少年司机”最符合本文大意。故选 B。