

As the seven-day National Day holiday is coming, some people are planning to go back to their hometown to see their families while others are going to travel to other cities or provinces with their families or friends. 

Thinking about the transportation, trains may be good choices. Because they are safer, cheaper and more convenient. Therefore, plenty of people would take trips by train during the National Day holiday.

To take a train during the “golden week”, people can buy the tickets 20 days ahead. In order to avoid the long queues at ticket offices, people can choose to buy the ticket online or by phone.

According to the China Railway Corporation, sales of train tickets reached a new daily high on this Friday. A total of 9.69 million tickets were sold on Friday. And the CRC said 55.8 percent of them were sold on the Internet and 10.8 percent by mobile phone. The CRC also told us that an average of 8.32 million tickets were sold per day from September 9 to September 13.

For most of the Chinese people , the National Day holiday is an important time to spend with their families, and it is a good time for them to entertain and relax themselves from the busy work as well.


1.People will have ________ off for the National Day holiday.

A one day

B three days

C five days

D a week

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。从第一段第一句话As the seven-day National Day holiday is coming可知,D选项的a week与seven-day相对应,故选D。

2.Why do people choose to travel by train?

A Because it is safer.

B Because it is cheaper.

C Because it is more convenient.

D All of the above.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。从第二段Because they are safer, cheaper and more convenient可知,故选D。

3.If Daming want to take a train on October 1, he can buy the ticket on____.

A 42248

B 42254

C 42258

D 42287

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。从第三段可知,人们可提前20天购买国庆假期的火车票,故可推算出大明如果想在10月1日出游,可于9月11日买票,故选C。

4._____ percent of the train ticket were sold on the Internet and by mobile phone.

A 55

B 10.8

C 66.6

D 33

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。从第四段可知,55.8%的火车票是通过网络销售出去的,10.8%的火车票是通过手机电话被订购,故可算出66.6%的火车票是通过网络和手机销售出去的。

5.The last paragraph is about ______.

A what the National Day holiday means to Chinese people

B how the Chinese people buy the train tickets for the National Day holiday

C how many train tickets have been sold on this Friday

D why people like to take trips by train

解析:选A。A 主旨大意题。最后一段向读者介绍了国庆长假对中国人的意义,故A是最佳答案。