
Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have found the gene that could help people forget traumatic experiences. They say the research could benefit people with painful memories. Soldiers, crime victims and people who survived natural disasters(灾难) are some of the people this research could help. Many of these people suffer from very bad stress because of their memories. It is an illness called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (创伤后应激障碍).

The scientists found the memory gene in mice. They hope that one day they can remove painful memories in humans. They think the gene can replace upsetting memories with more positive(积极的) thoughts and feelings. This would help millions of people who suffer from PTSD.

The head researcher, Li-Huei Tsai, did many tests to make mice forget their fear. Scientists put the mice into a cage and gave them a small electric shock. After many shocks, the mice became afraid of the cage. They were stressed when they saw it. Once the mice had “cage shock”, the scientists put the mice in the cage again but didn’t give them an electric shock. After a period of time, the mice no longer feared the cage. Positive feelings replaced(代替) their stress and fear. The scientists looked at the brain activity when the mice were afraid and when they were not afraid. They were surprised to find a gene in them that replaced old memories with new ones. They are now trying to find this gene in humans.


1.What does the underlined word “traumatic” mean?

A Useful.

B Successful.

C Painful.

D Pitiful.

解析:选C。C 词义猜测题。根据划线单词后文的“the research could benefit people with painful memories”可知,研究人员认为这项研究对有痛苦记忆的人有帮助,即这种基因能帮助人们忘记“痛苦的”经历。故选 C。

2.The following people can benefit from the research EXCEPT _________.

A a member of an army

B a lady injured in an accident

C a man experienced an earthquake

D a person trained in medical science

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段的“Soldiers, crime victims and people who survived natural disasters are some of the people this research could help.”可 知这项研究可以帮助士兵、犯罪受害人和自然灾害幸存者,四个选项中只有 D 项的“一个受过医学训练的人”不在其中。故选 D。

3.What is TRUE about the experiment on mice?

A Li-Huei Tsai is the only researcher.

B Electric shocks give the mice a lot of pressure.

C The purpose is to make the mice keep fear in mind.

D The mice were afraid from the beginning to the end.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段“After many shocks, the mice became afraid of the cage. They were stressed when they saw it.”可知多次电击让老鼠对笼子感到害怕,它们看到笼子的时候就感到压力,即多次电击给老鼠们带来了压力。故选 B。

4.The result of the research is _________ according to the researchers.

A normal

B strange

C exciting

D unexpected

解析:选D。D 观点态度题 。 根 据 第 三 段 的 “They were surprised to find...”可知他们对结果感到惊讶。故选 D。

5.The passage mainly talks about _________.

A mice


C a special gene

D painful memories

解析:选C。C 主旨大意题。根据文章主题句第一句可知,本文主要讲科学家在老鼠身上发现了能够帮助忘 记痛苦经历/记忆的基因。故选 C。