
The Torch Festival falls on the period between the 24th day and the 26th day of the sixth lunar month. It is a traditional festival shared by the Yi, Naxi and Bai peoples in southwestern China.

The Torch Festival is an important event to the Yi people like the Spring Festival in the Han people’s tradition. During the festival, torches are put up in front of every household, and a pile of faggots(柴捆) of several meters high is put up in the center of a square. When night falls, and gongs and horns are sounded, people of all ages come forward to set fire to the faggot pile. Cheerful flames fly up to the sky. Shouts of joy together with the sound of the gongs and drums make a sea of joy. When everybody holds the torches at night, the streets look like a fire dragon and the view is great.

The festival is also a good chance for young men and women to find their girlfriends named “Ashima” or boyfriends “Brother Ahei” paying particular attention to their costumes. Young women wear a triangular(三角形的) piece of fabric on either side of their headdress to attract the attention of young men, but no young man should ever touch this ornament, or he’ll be forced to labor for three years at the girl’s home. On their wedding day, young women remove the two triangles and lay them flat on top of their heads to stand for peace and happiness.

When a young man chooses a certain young woman, he’ll snatch away her embroidered(刺绣的) belt when she doesn’t pay attention to it. If the young woman returns his love, she’ll allow him to marry her. If not, she’ll put on another belt allowing the man to keep the one he has “stolen”.

In short, the Torch Festival brings lots of fun to the Yi people. And every year many visitors come to enjoy it as well.


1.What can be learned about the Torch Festival in the first paragraph?

A It lasts about three days.

B It’s held by few peoples in China.

C It’s a popular festival around the country.

D It begins to be accepted by the Han people.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第一段的The Torch Festival falls on the period between the 24th day to the 26th day of the sixth lunar month.可知火把节持续三天,故选A。

2.What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?

A How the Torch Festival is like the Spring Festival.

B How the Yi People’s Torch Festival was born.

C Why the Yi People enjoy their Torch Festival.

D How the Yi People celebrate their Torch Festival.

解析:选D。D 段落大意题。第二段主要描述了彝族人民在火把节期间所做的事,可知该段旨在介绍他们是怎样庆祝他们自己的火把节的,故选D。

3.Why do young women wear triangular pieces of fabric?

A To attract young men’s attention.

B To be trusted by other people.

C To find luck in their life.

D To show their happiness.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第三段的Young women wear a triangular piece of fabric on either side of their headdress to attract the attention of young men...可知年轻女性在头饰的两边都戴上一块三角形的布料,以吸引年轻男子的注意。故选A。

4.Why does a young man take away a young woman’s embroidered belt?

A To disappoint her.

B To show his love to her.

C To steal her belt.

D To allow her to marry him.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第四段的If the young woman returns his love, she’ll allow him to marry her.年轻男子趁年轻女子不注意的时候扯走她的刺绣腰带是为了向她示爱。故选B。