
A year and a half ago, Uber set up an Advanced Technologies Center (ATC) in Pittsburgh to make self-driving Ubers a reality. Today, we’re excited to announce that the world’s first Self-Driving Ubers are now on the road in the Steel City.
We’re inviting our most loyal Pittsburgh customers to experience the future first. If a Self-Driving Uber is available, we’ll send it along with a safety driver up front to make sure the ride goes smoothly. This pilot is a big step forward. Real-world testing is important to the success of this technology. 
Self-driving Ubers have enormous potential to improve society: reducing the number of traffic accidents, which today kill 1.3 million people a year, and freeing up the 20% of space in cities currently used to park the world’s billion plus cars. In addition, self-driving Ubers will be on the road 24 hours a day, which means they’ll need a lot more human maintenance than cars today. As a result, more people have to be employed.
We know a large number of drivers will have questions about this technology. It’s still very early: Self-Driving Ubers have a safety driver in the front seat because they require human intervention in many conditions, including bad weather. Even when these technology issues get fixed, we believe ridesharing will be a mix—with services provided by both drivers and Self-Driving Ubers. This is because the limits of self-driving software and the increasing demand for better transportation.
We couldn’t be more excited about what’s next. But to make it happen, we need to lead by fusing our great ridesharing network with great self-driving software and hardware. Our ATC efforts mean we have one of the strongest self-driving engineering groups in the world. And our existing partnerships with drivers, as well as new ones with manufacturers like Volvo, will ensure a world-class customer experience for generations to come.


1.What can we know about Uber from the first two paragraphs?

A They spent quite a long time developing self-driving Ubers.

B Their self-driving Ubers have been put in use in America.

C They are the first company to produce self-driving vehicles.

D They are getting their self-driving Ubers tested in a city.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句Real-world testing is important to the success of this technology. 可推断自动驾驶优步正处于测试阶段,故选D。

2.What is the significance of self-driving Ubers according to the passage?

A They can increase the urban land.

B They create new work opportunities.

C They ensure that people are in safety.

D They promote the development of cities.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句In addition, self-driving Ubers will be on the road 24 hours a day, which means they’ll need a lot more human maintenance than cars today. As a result, more people have to be employed.可知自动驾驶优步的投入使用将增加就业机会,故选B。

3.How are self-driving Ubers in the eyes of many people?

A A little worrying.

B Very convenient.

C Completely reliable.

D Energy efficient.

解析:选A。推理判断题。综合第四段特别根据第一句We know a large number of drivers will have questions about this technology.可推断在许多人的眼中,自动驾驶优步的安全性还是有些令人担忧的,故选A。

4.It is inferred from the last paragraph that the company Uber _____.

A is focusing on their ridesharing network

B is cooperating with other big companies

C believes their technology has a bright future

D has a regular production management team

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据最后一段And our existing partnerships with drivers, as well as new ones with manufacturers like Volvo, will ensure a world-class customer experience for generations to come.可推断公司相信他们的自动驾驶优步是有一个美好的前途的,故选C。