
A homeless man was given the shock of his life after asking for some spare change(零钱) from some painters who offered him a job instead. The heartwarming thing took place in Manchester’s Northern Quarter, where two men were painting a wall when the homeless man came. The homeless man asked the pair for some change, and after they asked if he had been drinking that day, the man replied that he hadn’t. They gave him a paint brush and they knew he could work safely without alcohol(酒精).

He then continued to help the men paint the wall on Copperas Street. The men gave him some advice of the job as they worked and paid the homeless man after finishing the job.

The random act of kindness was caught on camera by Darren Wheatcroft, who himself had been asked for change by the homeless man earlier in the day. He told the Manchester Evening News, “One of the painters asked him if he’d been drinking, and the homeless man said he hadn’t. They had a bit of a long chat and then the homeless man put his bag down and picked up a paint brush and got to it. He was being given tips and shown what to do. It was really great to see this. It was a really good deed. They took someone off the street and gave him work and he was going to get paid at the end of it.”


1.The underlined words “the pair” refers to_________.

A the painters

B the job

C the wall

D the shock

解析:选A。A 词意指代题。根据前一句中的“here two men were painting a wall when the homeless man came”,可以推断这个流浪汉是向这两个油漆工讨要零钱,所以the pair指代油漆工。故选A。

2.Why did the two men ask the homeless man if he had been drinking?

A They didn’t want to offer him any money.

B They would tell him a heartwarming story.

C They made him work without being hurt.

D They needed a person to buy paint brushes.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句“They gave him a paint brush and they knew he could work safely without alcohol.”可以得知他没有喝酒就可以安全地工作了,因此他们问他是否喝酒是为了保证工作安全,故选C。

3.What did the two men do while the homeless man was working?

A They taught him the skills of painting.

B They gave the shock of much change.

C They told him how to find a good job.

D They encouraged him to finish it fast.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句“The men gave him some advice of the job as they worked...”可以得知那两个油漆工教了流浪汉刷墙的技巧。故选A。

4.What did Darren Wheatcroft think of the two men’s action?

A It should be avoided.

B It should be praised.

C It should be criticized.

D It should be changed.

解析:选B。B 观点态度题。从文章最后一段最后一句 “It was a really good deed.”可以得知Darren Wheatcroft认为这是一件很好的事情,因此他认为这种行为值得表扬。故选B。

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A The change from painters.

B The act caught on camera.

C A homeless man.

D A paint brush.

解析:选A。A 文章标题题。文章讲述两个油漆工对一个讨要零钱的流浪汉的帮助,流浪汉本来想要乞讨一些零钱(change),而这两个人却通过向他提供工作来帮助他(保既全他的尊严又让他得到钱),这也算是对流浪汉做出的改变(change)。因此标题“The change from painters”中的change一语双关,为最佳标题。故选A。