
I recently attended a birthday party for the 3-year-old daughter of my oldest friend, whom I’ve known since I was a baby. My father was the best man in his father’s wedding. Our lives have taken many turns, but here we are in adulthood with children of the same age, spending much of our time together. It’s wonderful to know that my children will have the same history with his children. Many of my friends are people I have known since childhood, and those bonds have had an important impact on my life.
As a child, I moved at ages 5, 8 and 11. Each time I had to leave behind dear friends who had become a big part of my life. I am lucky that my parents helped nurture those friendships by helping me stay connected and encouraging me to continue these relationships into adulthood.
Recent research shows the importance of friendship, and its impact on mental and physical health. Preschool friendships are helpful in developing social and emotional skills, increasing a sense of belonging and decreasing stress. People who feel lonely tend to be more depressed and  have more health problems. Having a great support system can help us deal with those hardships that everyone faces at some point.
Paul Schwartz, a professor of psychology and child behavior expert, has noted many benefits of childhood friendship. “Friendships help the development of social skills, such as understanding others’ opinions and learning the rules of conversation,” Schwartz has written in an article. “More than half of the children referred for emotional behavioral problems have no friends or find difficulty communicating with others."
“Friends also have a powerful influence on a child’s positive and negative school performance and may also help to encourage or discourage their behaviors,” Schwartz continues. “Compared with children who lack friends, children with good friends can deal with life stresses.”


1.Why did the writer mention the birthday party of the 3-year-old daughter?

A To tell his father was the best man.

B To introduce the topic about childhood friendship.

C To get ready for his Dad’s wedding.

D To explain his many turns in his life.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句 Many of my friends are people I have known since childhood, and those bonds have had an important impact on my life.可以得知作者提到自己参加儿时朋友的孩子的生日宴会是为了引出儿时的友谊这一话题。故选 B。

2.How did the writer continue his relationships with other children into adulthood?

A He had the same history with other children.

B He spent much time playing with them.

C He got the encouragement from his parents.

D He moved many times and left his friends.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句...by helping me stay connected with my friends and encouraging me to continue these relationships into adulthood.可以得知父母的鼓励让作者能够维持儿时的友谊。故选 C。

3.What is the main idea of Paragraph Three?

A The influence of friendship.

B The rules of conversation.

C The way to decrease stress.

D The hardships to overcome.

解析:选A。A 段落大意题。第三段第一句 Recent research shows the importance of friendship, and its impact on mental and physical health.就是该段的主旨句,因此该段讲述的是友谊对人们身心的影响。故选 A。

4.If a child doesn’t have good friendships, he tends to _________.

A understand others’ opinions well

B learn the rules of conversation fast

C have difficulty helping other people

D have emotional behavioral problems

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第四段最后一句 More than half of the children connected to emotional behavioral problems have no friends...可以得知没有朋友的孩子更容易有情绪行为方面的问题。故选 D。